Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Observatorio de movilidad

Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá
Universidad de los Andes

La Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá, por intermedio de la Dirección de Veedurías, presenta el Reporte anual del Observatorio de Movilidad de Bogotá y la región actualizado a 2008, proyecto adelantado con el valioso apoyo de la Universidad de Los Andes, a través de su Facultad de Ingeniería. La publicación tiene el objeto de mejorar la información y el conocimiento sobre los avances, las debilidades y las oportunidades de nuestra ciudad en materia de movilidad.

La publicación busca convertirse en una herramienta de seguimiento periódico a temas críticos de movilidad que afectan el día a día de los bogotanos como son: tiempo de desplazamiento, sobre oferta, accidentalidad vial, impacto ambiental, finanzas y percepción.

En ésta última versión se incluyen indicadores nuevos tales como la proyección a 2008 de la demanda de transporte en la ciudad, porcentaje de viajes según motivo, estado de la malla vial por localidad, intersecciones semaforizadas, emisiones sonoras por fuentes móviles y unos datos comparativos sobre el comportamiento de los indicadores en otras ciudades del mundo.

Esperamos que la presente publicación sea de gran interés para sus lectores y se convierta en un aporte para la toma de decisiones, formulación de políticas y mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos.

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Plan Maestro de Movilidad - Bogotá

Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá

En el 2006 se realizó un acompañamiento a la estructuración del Plan Maestro de Movilidad (PMM) participando de manera activa en la elaboración del documento. La Dirección de Veedurías realizó propuestas que fueron incluidas en el documento final del plan, tales como:

  • Definición del mecanismo de licitaciones de rutas para la reorganización del transporte público colectivo.
  • Prioridad para la participación de propietarios de vehículos de servicio público en esas licitaciones.
  • Lineamientos para que sea la empresa Transmilenio S.A. la encargada de la estructuración de este proceso licitatorio.
  • Priorización de un Plan de Ordenamiento Logístico Regional como requisito para formular los proyectos relacionados con el manejo de carga en la ciudad, entre otras.

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A sea change for ocean management: A European strategy for marine and maritime research

European Commission
August 2009

In September 2008, the European Commission’s Communication on ‘A European Strategy for Marine and Maritime Research’ took this a stage further by laying out an action plan for better integration of research between the maritime and marine communities in order to address the problems of marine degradation caused by human activities and develop new technologies for sustainable development of maritime activities. This brochure is based on that communication and explains the context behind its creation and some of the proposed actions and initiatives that will be carried outin the coming years.

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Infrastructure for a Seamless Asia

Asian Development Bank Institute
September 2009

In view of Asia's enormous untapped economic potential and the ongoing global economic and financial crisis, the challenge now is to build efficient and seamless connections across Asia and thus to the rest of the world for a more competitive, prosperous, and integrated region.

Critical questions include:

  • What are the major challenges confronting the seamless connectivity in Asia?
  • What are the costs and benefits of regional infrastructure in Asia?
  • What are the priority regional infrastructure projects for Asia?
  • What are the financing requirements for developing Asian infrastructure?
  • How can Asia meet its infrastructure financing needs?
  • Can we learn from European and Latin American experiences?
  • What institutions, policies and frameworks are needed to foster regional cooperation for creating a seamless Asia?

This ADB and ADBI flagship study analyzes the major challenges in developing regional infrastructure, particularly transport and energy—both hard and soft infrastructure—through fostering regional cooperation towards a seamless Asia. It evaluates existing regional infrastructure programs, policies, and institutions, and makes recommendations on what the region needs to address to meet these challenges and provides a framework for pan-Asian infrastructure cooperation.

The key message of the book is that now is the time to forge ahead with the goal of integrating this vast and diverse region—for the benefit of all its citizens and for a lasting and shared prosperity—through building pan-Asia infrastructure connectivity.

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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mexico - Urban Transport Transformation Project

Integrated Safeguards Data Sheet
World Bank
September 2009

The Project Development Objective is to contribute to the transformation of urban
transport in Mexican Cities to a lower carbon growth path. This objective will be
achieved by improving the quality of service provided by the urban transport systems in a cost efficient manner, and by deploying equipment, infrastructure, and operational
strategies that reduce CO2 emissions. Achieving the PDO will significantly reduce the
transport sector carbon footprint and the emission of related air toxics.

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State Highway Safety Laws

August 2009

View highway safety laws by state or by topic.

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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Mexico - Framework for Green Growth Development Policy Loan Project

Program Information Document - Appraisal Stage
World Bank

Transport – The Urban Transport actions under this operation support the development of the institutions, policies and incentives needed to consolidate and modernize the Urban Transport Systems of Mexico. These reforms will make Urban Transport more efficient and effective, reducing automobile use and decreasing urban congestion to lower the sector’s carbon footprint.

Energy – The Law for the Use of Renewable Energy and the Financing of the Energy Transition and the Law for the Sustainable Use of Energy, supported under this operation, provide the regulatory framework for putting in place new incentive structures for an increased use of renewable energy in the country’s electricity generation mix and for improvements in the efficiency of energy use. Success of these initiatives rest on the adequacy of the secondary regulations, the effectiveness of the incentives aimed at public and private stakeholders as well as end-consumers, a sound implementation program, the availability of financing mechanisms for such initiatives, and adequate capacity to implement and monitor policies.

As a single tranche operation, the DPL acknowledges the important steps already taken by the Government of Mexico to develop Urban Transport and Energy policies that combat climate change and reduce GHG and other emissions.

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Haiti - Transport and Territorial Development Additional Financing Project

Project Information Document - Concept Stage
World Bank
August 2009

Roads and highways (80%);
Agricultural marketing and trade (20%)

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Chile - Santiago Urban Transport Programmatic Development Policy Loan Project

World Bank
August 2009

Ratings for the Santiago Urban Transport Programmatic Development Policy Loan Project for Chile were as follows: outcomes were moderately satisfactory, the risk to development outcome was moderate, the Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and the Borrower performance was also moderately satisfactory. Some lessons learned included: lack of a holistic approach may result in emphasizing one concern over another, for example, focusing mainly on environmental and economic considerations may lead to a design with unnecessarily fewer and larger buses. However, fewer and larger buses reduce comfort and increase waiting times. Such a decrease in service quality is a disincentive for public transport use and will, at least in the long run, go against environmental and economic considerations. Hence, it is important that a design that includes user participation finds the right balance between environmental and economic considerations and service quality. Travel and network models are excellent tools to evaluate network designs, but over reliance on normative analytical tools that 'optimize' a network subject to a set of assumptions, especially in areas that assume behavioral changes, should be avoided. The modeling exercise also needs to include 'bottom up' inputs, such as information on the importance in terms of overall weight people give to transfers, waiting, and walking. The Santiago experience showed that it is not advisable to redesign the public transport network without considering the existing information on travel demand and destination available through the operators. Additionally, stakeholders' involvement in the network design process, especially the municipalities comprising the metropolitan area, operators and users, is essential, and the design concept for the network needs to be extensively modeled before implementation.

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Chile - Santiago Urban Transport Technical Assistance Project

Integrated Safeguards Data Sheet
World Bank
August 2009

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Argentina - Road Safety Project

World Bank
August 2009

...The proposed project development objective is to reduce road traffic crashes along targeted corridors of Argentina’s road network. This objective will be achieved through strengthening the institutional framework and management of road safety interventions, the development of improved institutional capacity to manage for results, enhanced monitoring and evaluation of road safety performance, and the achievement of targeted safety improvements on defined pilot corridors...

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