Monday, August 24, 2009

Successful transport decision-making: A project management and stakeholder engagement handbook


This handbook is the main outcome of the GUIDEMAPS project and gives a practical overview of good practice in stakeholder engagement, public participation and project management for local and regional transport projects. Among the tools and techniques presented are those that are already well known and well accepted, but there are also a number of tools that are relatively new for the transport sector in Europe.

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Transport and the Environment

Transport Research Knowledge Centre
Policy Brochure
August 2009

This Policy Brochure focuses on transport and its effects on the environment. Its aim is to inform transport policy makers and to assist them in designing transport policies that take better account of the environmental impacts of transport. The environment is broadly defined to include effects of transport on land, air, water and resources. The research issues on environment and transport are grouped into three areas: identifying and measuring the impacts on the environment (pollution levels, noise emissions etc.), technological solutions to environmental problems from transport, and behavioural solutions to environmental problems from transport. Where relevant, solutions cover both mitigation and adaptation.

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Illustrated glossary for transport statistics

International Transport Forum
4th edition
July 2009

The Glossary for Transport Statistics was published for the first time in 1994 with the purpose of assisting member countries during the collection of data on transport using the Common Questionnaire developed by the UNECE, ITF and Eurostat.

The present fourth edition is the result of continuing valuable cooperation between the three organisations, that – through the action of the Intersecretariat Working Group (IWG. Trans.) – has put a sustained effort into meeting the need to harmonise transport statistics at the international level. The Glossary now comprises 735 definitions and represents a point of reference for all those involved in transport statistics.

By following the guidance contained within these definitions, a considerable contribution will be given to the improvement in both the quality and comparability of the data.

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Paraguay - Plan nacional de seguridad vial 2008-2013

Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Comunicaciones - Paraguay
Octubre 2008

El documento ejecutivo contiene un resumen del Tercer Informe o Informe Final del contrato de consultoría S.G. VMOP No 48/2007 suscrito entre el Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Comunicaciones - MOPC y el Ingeniero Hernán Otoniel Fernández Ordóñez, cuyo objetivo general es elaborar un Plan Nacional de Seguridad Vial, que ayude a reducir los índices de accidentes en el sistema vial de Paraguay y mitigar sus consecuencias, en términos de pérdida de vidas humanas y heridos, así como disminuir los costos materiales.

El Informe Final que contiene el Plan Nacional de Seguridad Vial 2008-2013, incluye, en términos generales, el diagnóstico de la situación actual de la seguridad vial en Paraguay y el conjunto de estrategias y objetivos que constituyen las medidas que se formulan para mejorar la seguridad vial en los próximos 5 años.

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Investing in Sustainable Infrastructure: Improving Lives in Asia and the Pacific

Asian Development Bank
June 2009

Impressive economic gains in Asia and the Pacific have been accompanied by a decline in the region's natural capital and unprecedented levels of air and water pollution. Meanwhile, hundreds of millions of people in the region are still not enjoying the benefits of recent economic expansion. Disparities in incomes and living standards are growing wider, and the worldwide financial crisis will likely amplify these disparities. And due to the impacts of climate change, the region's remaining poor are growing more vulnerable to natural disasters, sea level rise, and droughts.

The Asian Development Bank is committed to responding to these challenges by supporting the development of sustainable infrastructure in the region. Through our public and private sector operations departments and our Sustainable Infrastructure Division, we are developing loans, investments, technical assistance projects, and regional programs that promote cutting-edge, cost-effective, and clean technologies. In all of our efforts, we are working to build good governance and development capacities in our developing member countries, including improving the cost-effectiveness of public services and broadening inclusiveness so that the poor are able to participate in, benefit from, and contribute to the growth process.

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Electric bikes in the People s Republic of China: Impact on the environment and prospects for growth

Asian Development Bank
June 2009

Electric bikes (e-bikes) provide low-cost, convenient, and relatively energy-efficient transportation to an estimated 40 million�50 million people in the People's Republic of China (PRC), quickly becoming one of the dominant travel modes in the country. As e-bike use grows, concerns are rising about lead pollution from their batteries and emissions from their use of grid electricity, primarily generated by coal power plants. This report analyzes the environmental performance of e-bikes relative to other competing modes, their market potential, and the viability of alternative battery technologies. It also frames the role of e-bikes in the PRC's transportation system and recommends policy for decision makers in the PRC's central and municipal governments.

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High-Speed Rail

Railway Forum
August 2009

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Transport Policy special issue: International Perspectives on Transport and Social Exclusion

Transport Policy
Volume 16, Issue 3, Pages 89-142
(July 2009)
Edited by K. Lucas and J. Stanley

Special Issue of the Journal of Transport Policy focusing on International perspectives on transport and social exclusion

3. The usefulness of social exclusion to inform social policy in transport
Pages 90-96
Janet Stanley, Dianne Vella-Brodrick

4. Investigating links between transport disadvantage, social exclusion and well-being in Melbourne—Preliminary results
Pages 97-105
Graham Currie, Tony Richardson, Paul Smyth, Dianne Vella-Brodrick, Julian Hine, Karen Lucas, Janet Stanley, Jenny Morris, Ray Kinnear, John Stanley

5. Growing bus patronage and addressing transport disadvantage—The Melbourne experience
Pages 106-114
Chris Loader, John Stanley

6. Assessing the ‘value’ of new transport initiatives in deprived neighbourhoods in the UK
Pages 115-122
Karen Lucas, Sophie Tyler, Georgina Christodoulou

7. Transport for the transport disadvantaged: A review of service delivery models in New South Wales
Pages 123-129
Helen Battellino

8. Dynamics of transport and social exclusion: Effects of expensive driver's license
Pages 130-139
Tanu Priya, André Uteng

9. Epilogue: Transport policy and social exclusion—Some reflections
Pages 140-142
John Preston

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Real Transportation Solutions for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions

July 2009

A new website is being launched by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials to highlight strategies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from transportation. The website, Real Transportation Solutions for Green House Gas Emissions, includes best practices, state examples, research findings, and links to other climate change information sites.

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International Scan Summary Report on Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety and Mobility

Federal Highway Administration's International Programs
August 2009

In May 2009, a team of 12 transportation professionals with expertise in bicycling and walking from the United States (U.S.) visited five countries in Europe (Table 1) to identify and assess effective approaches to improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety and mobility. The countries identified in Table 1 were chosen because of their innovative approaches to nonmotorized transportation, as well as the potential transferability of their policies and practices. Some, like Denmark, had experienced an increase in car use in the 1960s and 1970s, and subsequently reoriented their transportation policy to give priority to bicycling and walking. The scan team heard presentations from and had informal discussions with the foreign hosts. During most visits, the scan team also went on guided field visits (by bike as well as by foot) to better understand and experience the design and operation of various walking and bicycling facilities. These field visits were invaluable in documenting the facilities through photos and video, observing traffic behavior, and experiencing firsthand how well a design or operational strategy worked.

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Transportation Research Program Administration in Europe and Asia

Federal Highway Administration's International Programs
July 2009

The Federal Highway Administration, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, and National Cooperative Highway Research Program sponsored a scanning study of Europe and Asia to review transportation research program administration practices. The scan team sought policy initiatives and process improvements to enhance transportation research administration in the United States.
The team found that in the countries it studied, transportation research is directly related to national economic growth and competitiveness, transportation research efforts are promoted, transportation research and development (R&D) is accepted as a valuable contribution to the national good, and addressing intellectual property rights is a common practice that facilitates the delivery of transportation research results.

Team recommendations for U.S. application include building international relationships in transportation research to achieve global goals, developing a nationally coordinated research framework, and strengthening the innovation process by examining international research institutes that link the creation and application
of knowledge.

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Documentos sobre Terminología básica utilizada en sistemas portuarios y para la facilitación del comercio en la Comunidad

Comisión Interamericana de Puertos
July 2009

En la XXVI Conferencia Mundial de Puertos de la Asociación Internacional de Puertos (IAPH) celebrada entre los días 25 y 28 de Mayo del presente año en Génova, Italia, bajo el título “Orientados al Mercado: Abiertos al futuro”, se presentaron/distribuyeron los documentos “Terminología básica utilizada en sistemas portuarios y para la facilitación del comercio en la Comunidad,” referentes a términos relacionados con la Unión Europea, la OMA y la UN/CEFACT. Los documentos pueden encontrarse en la página web de la CIP en la sección de documentos importantes.

Términos relacionados con la Union Europea

Términos relacionados con la Organización Mundial de Aduanas

Términos relacionados con la UN/CEFACT

Diagnóstico Participativo del Cluster de Logística y Transporte

Programa de Apoyo a la Competitividad y Promoción de Exportaciones de la Pequeña y Mediana Empresa. Cooperación Unión Europea - Uruguay

El Cluster de Logística y Transporte tiene por objetivo “Generar un espacio de complementación entre empresas que permita desarrollar la industria logística de Montevideo, profesionalizándola, potenciándola regionalmente y abarcando en sus servicios a los países limítrofes, ampliando la gama de productos y servicios que ofrece, generando nuevas oportunidades de empleo, y conformándose en un eje de desarrollo para el país”. Para realizar el Diagnóstico de Situación del sector nos basamos en el Diamante de Porter como metodología de trabajo para identificar las fuentes de ventaja competitiva del sector. A partir del Diamante de Competitividad y conformado el Cluster del Sector de Logística y Transporte junto con el grupo de integrantes del Cluster avanzamos en la elaboración de un análisis FODA identificando las Fortalezas, Oportunidades, Debilidades y Amenazas que afectan al mismo.

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Se viene el Tranvía! (y las bicis, los puentes, los pasos peatonales...)

Chilango - Extracto publicado por Seduvi
Enero 2009

De aquí a 2012 no habrá tregua: casi 100 obras harán del tráfico un suplicio. A cambio el GDF promete un transporte moderno y una ciudad viable

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Manual técnico de accesibilidad

Secretaria de Desarrollo Urbano y Vivienda - SEDUVI

Entre los propósitos del actual Gobierno del Distrito Federal resalta la importancia de eliminar gradualmente los obstáculos del entorno físico para facilitar el acceso y uso de los espacios para personas con discapacidad, así como los servicios urbanos a los habitantes de esta gran ciudad.

El Manual Técnico de Accesibilidad está diseñado para apoyar a los proyectos con criterios, especificaciones, gráficos para las adecuaciones de los espacios, que las personas con discapacidad, adultos mayores, personas con movilidad limitada, con alguna limitación temporal y personas de talla baja requieren. Además, apoya gráficamente a las Normas Técnicas Complementarias de Accesibilidad, que forman parte del Reglamento de Construcciones para el Distrito Federal. Éstas, a su vez, darán la pauta técnica en el diseño arquitectónico.

El diseño de este manual se basa en las medidas antropométricas y en las ayudas técnicas que hacen posible el adecuado desplazamiento y las actividades de las personas con discapacidad.

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Newsletter 01: Transport and Climate Change

Land Transport and Climate Change News
Nº1 August 2009

- Ten Principles for Integrating Transport and Climate Policy
- Key Messages for Negotiators

Recent Activities
- Bellagio Declaration
- Submission on Transport to the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-Term Cooperative Action under the Convention [AWG-LCA]

Upcoming Events
- September 17, 2009, Brussels, UITP: Workshop: Post 2012 Instruments and MRV for Transportation
- September 25, 2009, Bangkok, Royal Princess Hotel, Workshop on Transport and Climate Change
- October 1st, 2009, Bangkok, UN ESCAP, Parallel Event on Transport Options for Copenhagen

- 2nd Bridging the Gap Workshop held in Bonn on June 6, 2009
- Side event at sixth session of the AWG-LCA and the eighth session of the AWG-KP on June 10, 2009

- Draft discussion Paper on Transport and Climate Change published
- Transport in Developing Countries and Climate Policy — Suggestions for a Copenhagen Agreement and Beyond
- Sourcebook module on Transport and Climate Change

Background News
- UNFCCC Synthesis and Assessment Report on GHG Inventories Report
- Two degrees

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Moving cooler: An analysis of transportation strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Urban Land Institute
August 2009

Moving cooler: An analysis of transportation strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, was commissioned by a diverse group of stakeholders representing transportation experts, industry, federal agencies, and environmental organizations and other NGOs. As transportation and climate legislation is being developed in Congress and in states, this new groundbreaking report will inform the debate. It is a must read for transportation and environmental officials, Members of Congress, Congressional staff, and media. The cutting-edge report examines the effects, costs and benefits of deployment of a variety of technologies and techniques for reducing emissions.

Executive Summary

Briefing presentation

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Frontline Views from Private Sector Infrastructure Providers

August 2009

Frontline Views from Private Sector Infrastructure Providers: The Changing Face of Infrastructure. Perspectives on investment, skills and training, sustainability, and working with governments.

A global research report commissioned by KPMG International and conducted in cooperation with the Economist Intelligence Unit.

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Seguridad Vial: Ciudades para la gente

Boletin #4
Julio 2009
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

En este número se explica cómo el diseño de las ciudades tiene una relación directa con la exposición a los riesgos de traumatismos causados por el tráfico. Se muestra el caso de Copenhage donde el uso del suelo y el transporte está al servicio de las personas

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Perú: Reglamento Nacional de Administración de Transporte

Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones
Abril 2009

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Tráfico y Seguridad Vial

Dirección General de Tráfico
Año XXV Nº197
Julio/Agosto 2009

50 aniversario DGT
  • Crónica de 50 años
  • Cómo ha cambiado la DGT en 5 décadas
  • La seguridad en el automóvil de 1959 a 2009
  • Todas las campañas divulgativas de la DGT
  • Cómo ha evolucionado la accidentalidad
  • La legislación, la guardia civil de tráfico, los coches, las motos…
  • Así eran las carreteras, así son
  • ¿y dentro de 50 años?

También: Suplemento Verano 2009

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Crecimiento económico y transporte: en busca del desacople

Instituto Mexicano del Transporte
NOTAS núm. 119, Agosto 2009, artículo 1

¿Puede haber crecimiento económico sostenido y bienestar social, sin el crecimiento sostenido de los impactos negativos del transporte?. ¿Se puede buscar el desacople entre el crecimiento económico y las actividades del transporte, para que a largo plazo haya un sistema de transporte sostenible en un entorno de prosperidad económica?

Este artículo examina brevemente algunas ideas sobre el desacople entre crecimiento económico y transporte, resumiendo algunas experiencias extranjeras y las tendencias observables en México con datos básicos del transporte. En particular, se prestará atención al autotransporte de carga, aunque las ideas expuestas también pueden aplicarse al transporte de pasajeros.

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Brazil - Second Phase of the Sao Paulo Metro Fourth Line Project

World Bank
June 2009
Project Information Document

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Crisis in Latin America : infrastructure investment, employment and the expectations of stimulus

Jordan Z. Schwartz, Luis A. Andres and Georgeta Dragoiu
Policy Research Working Paper - WPS 5009
World Bank
July 2009

Infrastructure investment is a central part of the stimulus plans of the Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC) region as it confronts the growing financial crisis. This paper estimates the potential effects on direct, indirect, and induced employment for different types of infrastructure projects with LAC-specific variables. The analysis finds that the direct and indirect short-term employment generation potential of infrastructure capital investment projects may be considerable - averaging around 40,000 annual jobs per US$1billion in LAC, depending upon such variables as the mix of subsectors in the investment program; the technologies deployed; local wages for skilled and unskilled labor; and the degrees of leakages to imported inputs. While these numbers do not account for substitution effect, they are built around an assumed "basket" of investments that crosses infrastructure sectors most of which are not employment-maximizing. Albeit limited in scope, rural road maintenance projects may employ 200,000 to 500,000 annualized direct jobs for every US$1billion spent. The paper also describes the potential risks to effective infrastructure investment in an environment of crisis including sorting and planning contradictions, delayed implementation and impact, affordability, and corruption.

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Monday, August 10, 2009


Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Transporte - Costa Rica
Julio 2009


  • 21.352 millones en inversión en Guanacaste
  • No bajemos la guardia ante la gripe AH1 N1
  • Nuevo paso elevado en rotonda de Alajuelita
  • Conductores pueden presentar apelaciones en Delegaciones de Tránsito
  • Listos puentes mayores en nueva radial entre Cartago y Paraíso
  • Campeonato interno de Fut Sala MOPT 2009
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Boletin Informativo Interno

Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas
Montevideo - Agosto 2009 - Nº 32 - Edición Quincenal


Reparan 422 kilómetros de vías férreas
Millonaria inversión en AFE
Nueva convocatoria en "Carreteras Solidarias"

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Low Carbon, High Growth: Latin American responses to Climate Change - An overview

Augusto de la Torre, Pablo Fajnzylber y John Nash
World Bank

“Low Carbon, High Growth: Latin American Responses to Climate Change”, is the World Bank's flagship report on Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). It explores how the region is exposed to climate change impacts and what it can do to avert its effects, both unilaterally and with the incentives of a global climate agreement to be negotiated during 2009 in Copenhagen by the United Nations.

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Freight Statistics Project

Scottish Government
August 2009

A collection of previously published Freight Statistics.


List of Figures and Tables

1 Introduction
2 Overview
3 Road Freight
4 Rail Freight
5 Maritime Freight
6 Air Freight
7 Commodity Specific Data
8 Freight Related Economic Impacts
9 Freight Related Environmental Impacts
10 Gaps in Available Data
11 References
12 Glossary

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Increasing the energy efficiency of supply chains

McKinsey Quarterly
August 2009

The supply chains of many manufacturing sectors went global when oil was cheap; today, improving energy efficiency is a top concern for executives. This interactive shows numerous opportunities to dramatically reduce energy costs in supply chains.

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Especial interactivo

Argentina - Additional Financing for the Provincial Road Infrastructure Project

World Bank
July 2009

Project Information Document(PID)- Concept Stage

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World Greenhouse Gas Emissions in 2005

World Resources Institute
July 2009

World Greenhouse Gas Emissions in 2005 is a comprehensive view of global, anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The chart in this working paper is an updated version of the original chart, which appeared in Navigating the Numbers: Greenhouse Gas Data and International Climate Policy (WRI, 2005).

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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Procurement in infrastructure : what does theory tell us?

Estache, Antonio; Iimi, Atsushi; Ruzzier, Christian;
Policy Research Working Paper 4994
World Bank
July 2009

Summary: Infrastructure has particular challenges in public procurement, because it is highly complex and customized and often requires economic, political and social considerations from a long time horizon. To deliver public infrastructure services to citizens or taxpayers, there are a series of decisions that governments have to make. The paper provides a minimum package of important economic theories that could guide governments to wise decision-making at each stage. Theory suggests that in general it would be a good option to contract out infrastructure to the private sector under high-powered incentive mechanisms, such as fixed-price contracts. However, this holds under certain conditions. Theory also shows that ownership should be aligned with the ultimate responsibility for or objective of infrastructure provision. Public and private ownership have different advantages and can deal with different problems. It is also shown that it would be a better option to integrate more than one public task (for example, investment and operation) into the same ownership, whether public or private, if they exhibit positive externalities.

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