Friday, December 18, 2009

Integrating sustainability into Transport

Professor John Whitelegg
Stockholm Environment Institute
University of York
Presented in October 2007 - National Transport Conference - London

There are two ways of embarking on a discussion of sustainability in transport. One is primarily concerned with defining sustainability (usually through a discussion of climate change) and then detailing the seriously unsustainable trends we are currently experiencing and finishing with a flourish about how we could change trajectory and solve the problem through some serious policy changes. This route is well rehearsed in the transport policy literature and has had no impact whatsoever on changing trends. The other approach is to exploit the very large scenario literature, backcasting methodology and “visioning” tools that exist and paint a picture of what things could be like and how we would get there. In this paper I will explore this second approach and define sustainability and its links with transport through a vision of a future that is not very far away. This future will be presented as a picture of transport in the UK in 2030. This possible future, I will argue, has to be rooted in sustainability and this in turn requires a strongly practical integration of sustainability into the transport sector.


Nordic: Public Transport - Transportation for Everyone

Nordic: Road and Transport Research
No 3 2009


What’s up? | p4
In Brief | p5
Smart Card Ticketing in Trondheim Delivers Substantial Benefits to Society | p6
Safe School Transportation in New EU project | p7
Technology Improves School Transport | p8
New Forms of Payment for the Provision of Public Transport | p10
Pedestrians in Danger | p11
The AKTA Project: Facilitates Everyday Life for Visually Impaired Persons | p12
Road Pavements and Fuel Consumption | p14
Child Pedestrians’ Quality Needs | p16
Østre Tangent – Connecting Bjørvika to the Inner City | p17
The ITS Scheme for Low Emission Zone in Norway | p18
Safety Effects of Intelligent In-vehicle Systems | p19
Road Pavement Ageing and Traffic Noise Levels | p20
Worn Windscreens – a Road Safety Problem | p21
Myths and Facts about Congestion Charging | p22
Self-explaining Roads | p23

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Nordic: Research for Climate and Environment

Nordic: Road and Transport Research
No 2 2009

  • In Brief | p4
  • LIPASTO – Traffic Emission Database | p6
  • Transnova: Established and Operating | p8
  • Emission Taxes and Tradable Emission Permits in Climate Policy | p9
  • Reduced Car Use after Relocation | p10
  • Iceland’s Wild Climate Gets Wilder | p12
  • When the Weather Gets in the Way | p14
  • Indicators for Sustainable Urban Transport | p16
  • Concrete Roads Save Fuel | p17
  • Urban Containment Policy in Oslo Reduces Car Traffic | p18
  • Avalanche Risk in a Changing Climate | p20
  • Effect of a Changed Climate on Gravel Roads | p21
  • Campaign for Less Car-use | p22
  • Road-building Increases Climate Gas Emissions | p24
  • Web Maps for Extreme Weather and Hazard Mitigation | p26
  • Ungtrafikk – The Norwegian ISA Field Trial | p28
  • Multifunctional Ditches | p29
  • Publications | p30

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Boletín Marítimo

Diciembre 2009

El Boletín Marítimo 39 desarrollado por la Unidad de Servicios de Infraestructura de CEPAL, actualiza la información marítima del 2009 contenida en los informes anteriores preparados por esta institución, con especial alusión a la evolución reciente de la crisis en los mercados marítimos. El documento de 27 páginas analiza la evolución de los principales indicadores de Contenedores, Graneles, Combustible marino IFO 380 y Comercio de commodities transportados por mar, tanto a nivel mundial como para América Latina y el Caribe.


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Climate change: turning costs into income opportunities

UNCTAD Policy Briefs #9
December 2009

Concerns about the high costs of climate change mitigation dominate the global debate to be resumed at Copenhagen. The question of who is to pay for the investments that will undoubtedly be needed receives far greater attention than the corollary question of who is to gain from them. From a macroeconomic perspective, one economic agent’s cost is always another agent’s income. But as this policy brief argues, the concept of cost is misleading in the context of climate change mitigation. Once the process of structural change necessitated by climate change mitigation is in full swing, there will be huge new market opportunities.

The policy issue is: how will costs and incomes be distributed in this process? UNCTAD believes that developing countries, although they face considerable costs, can also generate new income if they adapt their development strategies to the requirements of climate change mitigation. This policy brief also stresses the role of government in facilitating the process of structural change, not only by fostering “green” consumer preferences, but also by implementing pro-active industrial policies that support the production of climate-friendly equipment and appliances. In short: The world can move to a low-carbon economy without feeling paralysed by the costs – and can do so without sacrificing growth in the developing world.

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Preliminary National Rail Plan: The Groundwork for Developing Policies to Improve the United States Transportation System

Federal Railroad Administration
October 2009

This Preliminary Plan sets forth the FRA’s proposed approach to developing the long-range National Rail Plan, including our goals and objectives for the greater inclusion of rail in the national transportation system. Although this Preliminary Plan does not generally offer specific recommendations, it identifies a number of issues that this agency believes should be considered in formulating the National Rail Plan.

In short, it is designed to create a springboard for further discussion. The FRA especially looks forward to input from the States, and freight railroads, who are expected to provide valuable information and perspectives. The end focus is on the shippers and riders who use the rail system. We welcome the participation of all transportation stakeholders on these issues as well as others that may be presented, as we develop the long-range National plan. Outreach efforts such as the Rail Safety Advisory Committee and the high-speed rail development efforts have been very successful. These and other activities have given FRA a reputation for strong and extensive outreach; the development of a National Rail Plan will be in line with this model.

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Environmental assessment of passenger transportation should include infrastructure and supply chains

Environmental Research Letters 4 (2009)
IOP Publishing
June 2009

To appropriately mitigate environmental impacts from transportation, it is necessary for decision makers to consider the life-cycle energy use and emissions. Most current decision-making relies on analysis at the tailpipe, ignoring vehicle production, infrastructure provision, and fuel production required for support. We present results of a comprehensive life-cycle energy, greenhouse gas emissions, and selected criteria air pollutant emissions inventory for automobiles, buses, trains, and airplanes in the US, including vehicles, infrastructure, fuel production, and supply chains. We find that total life-cycle energy inputs and greenhouse gas emissions contribute an additional 63% for onroad, 155% for rail, and 31% for air systems over vehicle tailpipe operation. Inventorying criteria air pollutants shows that vehicle non-operational components often dominate total emissions. Life-cycle criteria air pollutant emissions are between 1.1 and 800 times larger than vehicle operation. Ranges in passenger occupancy can easily change the relative performance of modes.

Keywords: passenger transportation, life-cycle assessment, cars, autos, buses, trains, rail, aircraft, planes, energy, fuel, emissions, greenhouse gas, criteria air pollutants.

Supplementary data are available from

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Airport Consulting

Airports Consultants Council
Fall 2009

Cover Story
Design/Build Projects: Opportunities and Risks for Consultants & Owners
By David K. Hein, Vice President, Transportation, Applied Research Associates, Inc.

Special Feature
Facility Activation: Ensuring a Seamless Transition
By Kenneth Brammer, Vice President, Delta Airport Consultants

Consultant Perspective
Integrating Sustainable Objectives in Airport Master Plans: A Case Study
By Charlie McDermott, LEED, Manager, Planning Department and Courtney Armbruster, LEED, Communications Specialist,C&S Companies

ACC/FAA/TSA Summer Workshop Series
ACC Member News

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Airport Sustainability Database

Sustainable Aviation Guidance Alliance - SAGA
October 2009

Press Release - Airports Council International/North America

New Database, Report Provide Aviation Industry With First Comprehensive Guidelines on Airport Sustainability. Unique database is first comprehensive resource applicable to airports of all sizes

The Sustainability Database developed by SAGA consolidates various sources of airport-related sustainability practices into one document, streamlining the ability to search, evaluate, and then implement sustainable practices. The database provides the industry with a compendium of airport sustainability practices that can be searched and organized to correspond to the sustainability goals of airports of all types and sizes.

The database identifies sustainable airport practices, including policies, technologies, and strategies that may help a database user (e.g., an airport, contractor, or tenant) achieve sustainability goals. Whether an airport has a project planned, has just begun contemplating improvements, has already started construction, or desires to improve day-to-day operations or maintenance practices, the SAGA Sustainability Database is a valuable resource to aid in sustainability planning. The database can be tailored to the unique requirements of individual airports, but can also be shared by all airports to improve industry-wide knowledge of sustainable practices and to encourage an increased level of implementation.

Link to the database

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Roads toward a low-carbon future: Reducing CO2 emissions from passenger vehicles in the global road transportation system

March 2009

Meaningful, cost-effective reductions in carbon emissions from passenger vehicles will entail an integrated approach involving a broad range of measures. These measures could include vehicle upgrades for greater fuel efficiency, broader use of biofuels, swift improvements to road and traffic infrastructure, greater use of public transportation, and driver education to capture the benefits of more fuel-efficient eco-driving.

Download report (PDF - 793 KB)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Greenhouse gas reduction strategies in the Transport Sector

Preliminary Report
International Transport Forum

1. Linking transport GHG emissions to climate change: The impact pathway
2. Linking transport activity to CO2 emissions: Factors, trends and projections
3. Initial review of tranport-sector greenhouse gas mitigation strategies

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Caderno de Referência para Elaboração de Plano de Mobilidade por Bicicleta nas Cidades

Coleção Bicicleta Brasil
Programa Brasileiro de Mobilidade por Bicicleta
Caderno 1
Secretaria Nacional de Transporte e da Mobilidade Urbana

Este “Caderno de Referência para elaboração de Plano de Mobilidade por Bicicleta nas Cidades” representa um esforço da SeMob em fornecer subsídios para os municípios que têm intenção de implantar um plano cicloviário, integrado aos demais modos existentes, formando uma rede de transporte. Portanto, ele servirá como um importante instrumento para a formulação e desenvolvimento da mobilidade urbana devendo considerar-se as características locais e regionais, sempre com a participação da sociedade, sobretudo das organizações de usuários de bicicletas.

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Futurama 2.0: Mobilizing America s Transportation Revolution

Proposed by
David Muyres and Geoff Wardle
August 2009

Assembling a visionary team to create innovative, sustainable and viable solutions for all future transportation in the United States

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Chile - Santiago Urban Transport Technical Assistance Project : restructuring

World Bank
September 2009

This project paper introduces changes in the Chile, Santiago Urban Transport Technical Assistance Project and makes corresponding amendments to the project's legal documents. The changes are needed in order to better align Bank assistance with the operational and financial challenges of the new public transport system in Santiago. The expected outcomes from the restructured project will mainly consist of improvements in the quality and/or efficiency of public transport in Santiago as well as to Transantiago's financial/fare management system. The project development objective as stated in the loan agreement, namely to 'support the Borrower in achieving an efficient and sustainable urban transport system for Metropolitan Santiago', will be on track to be achieved.

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Revista Carreteras #157: El marcado CE

4a época - Número 157
Enero/Febrero 2008
Instituto IVIA


  • Cuestiones prácticas sobre el Marcado CE
  • Componentes del hormigón
  • Sistemas de pretensado con armadura postesa
  • Los productos de acero
  • Ligantes Bituminosos
  • Normativa y perspectivas
  • Sistemas de contención de vehículos
  • Señalización horizontal
  • Señalización vertical y balizamiento
  • Equipos de regulación del tráfico
  • Dispositivos reductores de ruido para carreteras
  • Las pantallas antideslumbrantes

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Programa estratégico de autopistas Fase I - PROESA I

Documento Conpes 3612
Consejo Nacional de Política Económica y Social
Departamento Nacional de Planeación
República de Colombia
Setiembre 2009

Este documento somete a consideración del Consejo de Política Económica y Social - Conpes, la declaración del Programa Estratégico de Autopistas Fase I – PROESA I, a cargo del Ministerio de Transporte y del Instituto Nacional de Concesiones – Inco, como de importancia estratégica para la consolidación de la red de transporte del país, de conformidad con la Ley 819 de 20031 y el Decreto 4730 de 20052.

Así mismo, complementa la declaratoria de importancia estratégica emitida por el Conpes para el proyecto vial Transversal de las Américas y se somete a consideración del Conpes, el concepto previo favorable para la adición y prórroga del contrato de concesión de la vía Bogotá – Villavicencio, de acuerdo con lo establecido en el artículo 28 de la Ley 1150 de 20074.

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Plan de expansión portuaria 2009-2011: Puertos para la competitidad y el desarrollo sostenible

Documento Conpes 3611
Consejo Nacional de Política Económica y Social
Departamento Nacional de Planeación
República de Colombia
Setiembre 2009

Este documento presenta a consideración del Consejo Nacional de Política Económica y Social – CONPES, el Plan de Expansión Portuaria para el período 2009-2011, de acuerdo con lo establecido en el artículo 2º de la Ley 1ª de 1991. Comprende la continuidad de la política del Gobierno Nacional para lograr el aumento de la competitividad del sector portuario, la conveniencia de nuevas inversiones públicas y las inversiones privadas a estimular, con el fin de facilitar el comercio exterior colombiano y optimizar la utilización de la infraestructura portuaria.

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Importancia estratégica del proyecto "Desarrollo vial del sur de Colombia"

Documento Conpes 3609
Departamento Nacional de Planeación
Consejo Nacional de Política Económica y Social
República de Colombia
Setiembre 2009

El presente documento somete a consideración del Consejo Nacional de Política Económica y Social – Conpes, la declaración del proyecto “Desarrollo Vial del Sur de Colombia” que comprende los corredores Tumaco – Pasto – Mocoa – Puerto Asís, incluida la construcción de la Fase I de la variante de San Francisco – Mocoa, y Aeropuerto (Cano) – Mojarras – Popayán, a cargo del Ministerio de Transporte y del Instituto Nacional de Vías – Invías, como de importancia estratégica para la consolidación de la red vial del país, de conformidad con la Ley 819 de 2003 y el Decreto 4730 de 2005.

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Sistema estratégico de transporte público de pasajeros para la ciudad de Popayán

Documento Conpes 3602
Consejo Nacional de Política Económica y Social
Departamento Nacional de Planeación
República de Colombia
Agosto 2009

Este documento presenta el proyecto: “Sistema Estratégico de Transporte Público de Pasajeros para la Ciudad de Popayán” el cual tiene como objetivo desarrollar un sistema de transporte que resulte en una movilidad adecuada para la ciudad.

El proyecto se enmarca dentro del Programa Nacional de Transporte Urbano establecido en el Documento Conpes 3167 de 2002 y responde a la necesidad de establecer un sistema que estructure el ordenamiento de la ciudad y permita un mejor planeamiento de la misma.

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Visión Colombia Segundo Centenario: 2019

Departamento Nacional de Planeación

Capítulo 3: Una economía que garantice mejor nivel de bienestar
- Generar una infraestructura adecuada para el desarrollo

Como se ha señalado reiteradamente, la infraestructura tiene un efecto significativo sobre la productividad y eficiencia del sector productivo; no sólo por sus impactos en materia de conectividad y acceso de la población a los servicios sociales, sino también por su papel detonante del desarrollo regional y local y de la integración nacional e internacional.

Ésta representa además, por su efecto multiplicador, un soporte fundamental para el desarrollo económico, al ser motor de crecimiento de otros sectores y servir de base para el desarrollo de la actividad económica: reduce costos de transacción, transporte e insumos, incrementa la productividad y mejora las condiciones de competir a nivel regional y global.

Responder a los retos del país en este campo implicará reorientar las inversiones públicas hacia
proyectos de alto impacto en el campo social y económico y ofrecer señales claras para que la inversión privada se encamine hacia proyectos de alto valor agregado. Estos proyectos deberán optimizar la infraestructura actual y/o subsanar las deficiencias o la ausencia de ésta en el territorio nacional.

Documentos sectoriales:
Construir ciudades amables
Generar una infraestructura adecuada para el desarrollo

Documentos completos:

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Saturday, December 12, 2009

First Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety

November 2009

Conference Official Site
Press Release

Moscow declaration
UNECE site

WHO site
WHO - Speeches and Statements

Smart Solutions: 50 Ways America Just Got Better


Launched by AASHTO, AAA and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the America's Transportation Awards competition has not only identified top transportation projects from around the country, it also has demonstrated the ways in which transportation investment is improving our economy, our environment and our quality of life. All 50 projects included here were delivered on-time or ahead of schedule, on-budget, or using innovative management. This report also explores what makes a good transportation project great. Take a look."


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World Transport Policy & Practice - v. 15 n. 3

World Transport Policy & Practice
Volume 15, Number 3
November 2009

  • Cooperative web-based bicycle routing database for trip-planning including dynamic weather integration
  • School Travel Modes preferences in Dar Es Salaam City
  • Traffic Systems for an Improved City Environment
  • Good planning principles far from enough to make a change - Post-script on Traffic Systems for an Improved City Environment
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    Speed Monitor 06

    Speed Monitor
    European Transport Safety Council
    ETSC’s Newsletter on Speed Policy Developments in the EU
    Number 06
    November 2009

    This sixth edition of the Speed monitor brings you speed management news from across Europe, a country focus on Italy, and an interview on the topic of rehabilitation of offenders through awareness courses.

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    LIPASTO – Traffic Emission Database


    LIPASTO is a free website showing total traffic emissions and their trends in Finland for all transport modes. In addition, unit emissions for hundreds of vehicle types expressed in grams per passenger- or tonne-kilometres are shown. The website is the only one of its kind.

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    Boletin Interamericano de Puertos Nº 26 y 27

    Comisión Interamericana de Puertos
    Diciembre 2009

    1. La CIP y el CECIP se reunirán en Panamá
    2. Nueva etapa de la Revista CIP
    3. Puerto de Buenos Aires, Argentina con nuevas súper grúas
    4. Misión Comercial del Puerto Le Havre, Francia en Buenos Aires, Argentina
    5. El sector portuario analiza la crisis mundial en Buenos Aires
    6. Barbados conversa con Carnival UK para el desarrollo del negocio de cruceros
    7. Bolivia negocia compra de barcazas para llegar al Atlántico
    8. Modernas grúas para puertos de Valparaíso y San Antonio en Chile
    9. Los puertos colombianos superarán el medio millón de cruceristas la próxima temporada
    10. Estudian nuevo megapuerto en puerto Limón, Costa Rica
    11. Costa Rica sede de reunión ambiental marítima portuaria
    12. Estado de Alabama promueve puerto marítimo de Mobile en Colombia
    13. Japón preocupado por el despegue del Puerto La Unión en El Salvador
    14. Tres interesados en licitación de terminal de contenedores en Manzanillo, México
    15. Concesión de puertos fluviales en el Perú bajo dos modalidades
    16. Emiten opinión favorable a construcción de muelle de minerales en el Callao, Perú
    17. St. Kitts y Nevis reporta un incremento en pasajeros de cruceros
    18. Certificación ISO para Autoridad Marítima de Surinam
    19. Gobierno Uruguayo aprueba Ley con normativa para nueva terminal de contenedores
    20. Royal Caribbean recibe al mayor crucero del mundo
    21. Avanza proceso de vigencia de las Reglas de Roterdam
    22. Actividades Portuarias

    Número 26 - Octubre

    Número 27 - Diciembre

    La capacitación en el sector del transporte terrestre de carga en América Latina

    Graciela Guidobono
    Boletín FAL Nº 270, número 2/2009

    El presente trabajo examina las políticas y acciones de capacitación laboral existentes en el sector del transporte terrestre de carga y operación logística en Argentina, Chile, Colombia y Paraguay a nivel público y privado, a partir de una serie de entrevistas y encuestas administradas entre febrero y mayo de 2009 a organismos públicos responsables por las políticas de transporte y de empleo, a cámaras empresariales, y a empresas seleccionadas por su experiencia en la implementación de planes de capacitación (empresas-caso).

    Entendiendo que la creación y administración del conocimiento es una capacidad clave para incrementar la productividad y competitividad del sector, el presente boletín explora aspectos del desempeño laboral de los recursos humanos del sector y la existencia de mecanismos de medición del impacto de la capacitación en los niveles de desempeño actuales y los proyectados.



    Alianzas público-privadas para una nueva visión estratégica del desarrollo

    (Versión preliminar del libro del mismo nombre que saldrá en diciembre de 2009)
    Robert Devlin y Graciela Moguillansky
    Noviembre de 2009
    Documentos de proyectos
    Nº 283

    Son pocos los países en desarrollo que han logrado reducir sostenidamente la brecha de ingresos con los países más ricos del mundo, sin una acción proactiva del gobierno que les permita avanzar en la transformación productiva con una inserción internacional dinámica. Al respecto, se observan dos factores clave: la formulación e implementación de una estrategia a mediano y largo plazo orientada a impulsar una transformación productiva acelerada y la alianza público-privada que la sustenta, construida mediante un proceso social adaptado a las circunstancias locales. Se analizan las modalidades de operación de este tipo de alianzas en 10 países extrarregionales exitosos, considerados como tales porque alcanzaron la convergencia con los países desarrollados o porque evolucionaron mejor que los de América Latina y el Caribe, pese a tener una dotación de recursos similar. En la región, la colaboración público-privada es un elemento faltante o solo incipiente. Así, el análisis apunta a promover una reflexión en torno a la formación de alianzas propias con miras a apoyar la adopción de estrategias encaminadas a la construcción de "tigres latinoamericanos".

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    Safety Monitor 78

    European Transport Safety Council
    ETSC’s Newsletter on Transport Safety Policy Developments in the EU
    Number 78
    October 2009

    • Road safety
    • Aviation, Rail & Maritime Safety
    • ETSC and Partner Organisations News

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    Transportation Demand Management

    Training Document
    April 2009
    Spanish Version November 2009

    Transportation Demand Management (TDM) aims to increase the efficiency of a transport system by discouraging “unnecessary” private vehicle use, by promoting more effective, healthy and environment-friendly modes of transport and by integrating urban development and transport.

    For cities that are contemplating on solutions to solve their urban transport problems this training document should be of great support in making their decisions. Authored by Todd Litman, Andrea Broaddus and Gopinath Menon this document focuses on strategies for implementing TDM measures and on formulating related policies.

    SUTP users can download the document from here 9.20 Mb. Unregistered visitors can click here to register (at no cost) and then proceed to download.


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    En Español: Gestión de la Demanda de Transporte - Noviembre 2009

    An analysis of various policy instruments to reduce congestion, fuel consumption and CO2 emissions in Beijing

    Anas, Alex; Timilsina, Govinda R.; Zheng, Siqi
    Policy Research working paper ; No.5068
    World Bank
    October 2009

    Using a nested multinomial logit model of car ownership and personal travel in Beijing circa 2005, this paper compares the effectiveness of different policy instruments to reduce traffic congestion and CO2 emissions. The study shows that a congestion toll is more efficient than a fuel tax in reducing traffic congestion, whereas a fuel tax is more effective as a policy instrument for reducing gasoline consumption and emissions. An improvement in car efficiency would also reduce congestion, fuel consumption, and CO2 emissions significantly; however, this policy benefits only richer households that own a car. Low-income households do better under the fuel tax policy than under the efficiency improvement and congestion toll policies. The congestion toll and fuel tax require the travel cost per mile to more than triple. The responsiveness of aggregate fuel and CO2 are, approximately, a 1 percent drop for each 10 percent rise in the money cost of a car trip.

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    Friday, December 11, 2009

    Greenhouse gas emission trends and projections in Europe 2009: Tracking progress towards Kyoto targets

    EEA Report No 9
    November 2009

    This report presents an assessment of the current and projected progress of EU Member States, EU candidate countries and other EEA member countries towards their respective targets under the Kyoto Protocol and of progress towards the EU target for 2020. This is based on their past greenhouse gas emissions between 1990 and 2007, and the projected greenhouse gas emissions of these countries during the Kyoto commitment period 2008-2012 and for 2020, derived from data and related information they provided before 1 June 2009.

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    UNCTAD Transport Newsletter

    No. 43
    Second and Third Quarters 2009

    • Repository of trade facilitation working groups
    • Liner shipping connectivity in 2009
    • Dry ports
    • Computerization of the TIR procedure
    • ASYCUDA updates
    • Trilingual Vocabulary of Intelligent Transportation Systems
    • Structural factors underlying mergers and acquisitions in liner shipping
    • West Africa road transport corruption reports
    • Datamar
    • UNCTAD’s Port Training Programme initiates classes in Latin American countries
    • Future Challenges for the Port and Shipping Sector
    • Port Economics
    • Port Competition
    • Trends in the Transport Sector
    • International Transport Forum
    • Workshop on Euro-Asian Transport Links
    • The Global Institute of Logistics
    • Asia–Pacific Trade Facilitation Forum 2009
    • Supply Chain Security
    • International Association of Maritime Economists
    • Overcoming Border Bottlenecks: The Costs and Benefits of Trade Facilitation
    • United Nations Layout Key for trade documents
    • Global Transport Knowledge Partnership
    • What constraints Africa’s exports?
    • Workshop on Harmonization Convention
    • Integrated scenario on transport
    • Online Harmonized Commodities Code database
    • UNECE Transport Review
    • Ad Hoc Expert Meeting on Transit Ports Servicing Landlocked Developing
    • Countries
    • Public and private partnerships for the development of infrastructure to facilitate
    • Trade and transport

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    Planning Sustainable Cities: Global Report on Human Settlements 2009

    December 2009

    Planning Sustainable Cities reviews recent urban planning practices and approaches, discusses constraints and conflicts therein, and identifies innovative approaches that are more responsive to current challenges of urbanization. It notes that traditional approaches to urban planning (particularly in developing countries) have largely failed to promote equitable, efficient and sustainable human settlements and to address twenty-first century challenges, including rapid urbanization, shrinking cities and ageing, climate change and related disasters, urban sprawl and unplanned peri-urbanization, as well as urbanization of poverty and informality. It concludes that new approaches to planning can only be meaningful, and have a greater chance of succeeding, if they effectively address all of these challenges, are participatory and inclusive, as well as linked to contextual socio-political processes.

    Full report will be made available electronically on 5 January 2010

    Introduction + Chapter 1

    Abridged edition

    Highways Agency: contracting for highways maintenance

    October 2009

    "The latest form of Highways Agency contracts for maintaining motorways and trunk roads provide visibility of costs and the ability to allocate risk appropriately. But, as is so often the case, a lack of probing analysis of the information which is available, and continuing gaps in some areas undermine the drive to maximize value for money. The Agency has not yet established and benchmarked the unit costs of planned maintenance tasks, such as resurfacing; and it does not have enough of the information on or analysis of the continuing condition of assets necessary to drive down whole life costs of planned maintenance projects. The Highways Agency also now needs to strengthen the engineering and commercial management skills of its area teams."
    Amyas Morse, head of the National Audit Office, 16 October 2009.

    Full report

    Also check: 

    Guidance for Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) in New Zealand

    National Infrastructure Unit - New Zealand
    October 2009

    The purpose of this guide is to outline for government agencies, potential bidders and the public the general direction and principles that will be adopted for public private partnerships (PPPs), the processes that are to be followed and the rationale for them. It also provides a framework for assessing whether a PPP is to be preferred over other forms of procurement in any given situation. More detailed guidance will be developed as we gain experience with PPPs, or as particular issues present themselves.

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    Recomendações para a integração do transporte não motorizado no corredor T5, na cidade de Rio de Janeiro

    November 2009

    A Prefeitura da Cidade de Rio de Janeiro (PCRJ), através da Secretaria Municipal de Transportes (SMTR) e do Instituto Municipal de Urbanismo Pereira Passos (IPP), identificou a necessidade de incluir um sistema de Transporte Não Motorizado ao Corredor T5, proporcionando continuidade e integração em todo o perfil ao longo do Corredor.

    O Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (Instituto de Políticas de Transporte e Desenvolvimento – ITDP) elaborou este documento contendo as características do BRT e a proposta do perfil das vias do Corredor T5 da Barra de Tijuca até Penha com recomendações para sua implantação.

    O foco do trabalho é apresentar a melhor e mais adequada solução do traçado da ciclovia e da circulação de pedestres ao longo do Corredor T5, a partir do diagnóstico físico das zonas diretamente beneficiadas pelo traçado do BRT, de maneira que a PCRJ possa integrar a proposta com os projetos existentes.


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    BRT city examples

    Institute for Transportation and Development Policy
    November 2009

    Ahmedabad Bus Rapid Transit System
    Chris Kost

    Rea Vaya!
    Johannesburg, South Africa
    Annie Weinstock

    Low-carbon development for Mexico

    Todd M. Johnson, Claudio Alatorre, Zayra Romo and Feng Liu
    World Bank
    November 2009

    This study presents new research on low-carbon interventions in the transport sector, including measures to improve the efficiency of both new and used vehicles as well as measures to improve urban transportation. Because a large percentage of transportation energy use occurs in Mexico's cities, there is significant potential for lowering greenhouse gas emissions by modifying the spatial organization of cities and improving the availability of public transportation infrastructure. Although major changes in urban design will take time to develop, other measures such as investing in bus rapid transit (BRT)-type systems, strengthening public transportation, and reorganizing freight transport systems can be implemented in the near term. This study analyzes a range of energy efficiency options available in Mexico, including supply-side efficiency improvements in the electric power and oil and gas industries, and demand-side electricity efficiency measures addressing high-growth energy-consuming activities, such as air conditioning and refrigeration. It also evaluates a range of renewable energy options that make use of the country's vast wind, solar, biomass, hydro, and geothermal resources. This study focuses on Mexico, many of the low-carbon options presented such as specific energy-efficiency and renewable energy technologies and urban transport or forestry programs are likely to be applicable to other countries.

    Press Release

    Acceder al documento 179 p.

    PIARC Catalogue of design safety problems and potential countermeasures

    October 2009

    This catalogue presents a set of commonly design errors and suggests a range of measures to overcome them; it also gives an indication of the comparative countermeasure costs to facilitate prioritisation of the work. The catalogue can be used both as a proactive safety tool to ensure the design faults do not arise in the first place, or a reactive safety tool to assist in designing cost-effective countermeasures where problems already exist on the road network.

    The situations considered are organized within 8 groups:

    Cross Section
    Public and Private Services
    Vulnerable Road Users
    Traffic Signing and marking
    Roadside Features
    For each case, a sheet is presented with several illustrations.

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    Tools for road tunnel safety management

    December 2009

    This report is dedicated to the basic tools needed for management and decision support on road tunnel safety issues.

    It defines the general demands on tunnel safety documentation, referring to each of the three different stages of a tunnel project: design-construction, commissioning, operation. An overview table and detailed checklists are given.

    It deals with collection of incidents and their analysis. The report defines the significance of incidents to be recorded and presents the basic data collection requirements, along with a variety of practical feedback from different countries and recent research projects databases.

    The report presents safety inspections as a tool to assess the current tunnel safety level whether within a legal framework or whether against an accepted level of risk. It presents an organisational scheme based on the EU Directive 2004/54/EC. The contents of a safety inspection are given along with a comprehensive roadmap with all the necessary steps and preparation needed to carry out a safety inspection.

    Publication details

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    Freight noise FOCUS

    Freight noise FOCUS. UIC noise network
    UIC Action programme noise reduction freight traffic.
    October 2009. N°4
    Railway Tecnical Publications - ETF

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    Fuel Tax Incidence in Developing Countries The Case of Costa Rica

    Allen Blackman, Rebecca Osakwe, and Francisco Alpizar
    Environment for Development
    Discussion Paper Series EfD DP 09-24
    Resources for the future
    October 2009

    Although fuel taxes are a practical means of curbing vehicular air pollution, congestion, and accidents in developing countries—all of which are typically major problems—they are often opposed on distributional grounds. Yet few studies have investigated fuel tax incidence in a developing country context. We use household survey data and income-outcome coefficients to analyze fuel tax incidence in Costa Rica. We find that the effect of a 10 percent fuel price hike through direct spending on gasoline would be progressive, its effect through spending on diesel—both directly and via bus transportation would be regressive (mainly because poorer households rely heavily on buses), and its effect through spending on goods other than fuel and bus transportation would be relatively small, albeit regressive.

    Finally, we find that although the overall effect of a 10 percent fuel price hike through all types of direct and indirect spending would be slightly regressive, the magnitude of this combined effect would be modest. We conclude that distributional concerns need not rule out using fuel taxes to address pressing public health and safety problems, particularly if gasoline and diesel taxes can be differentiated.


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    Impacts of policy instruments to reduce congestion and emissions from urban transportation: the case of Sao Paulo, Brazil

    Anas, Alex; Timilsina, Govinda R.
    Policy Research Working Paper Nº 5099
    World Bank
    October 2009

    This study examines impacts on net social benefits or economic welfare of alternative policy instruments for reducing traffic congestion and atmospheric emissions in São Paulo, Brazil. The study shows that expanding road networks, subsidizing public transit, and improving automobile fuel economy may not be as effective as suggested by economic theories because these policies could cause significant rebound effects. Although pricing instruments such as congestion tolls and fuel taxes would certainly reduce congestion and emissions, the optimal level of these instruments would steeply increase the monetary cost of travel per trip and are therefore politically difficult to implement. However, a noticeable finding is that even smaller tolls, which are more likely to be politically acceptable, have substantial benefits in terms of reducing congestion and emissions. Among the various policy instruments examined in the study, the most socially preferable policy option for São Paulo would be to introduce a mix of congestion toll and fuel taxes on automobiles and use the revenues to improve public transit systems.


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    Why have CO2 emissions increased in the transport sector in Asia ? underlying factors and policy options

    Timilsina, Govinda R.; Shrestha, Ashish
    Policy Research working paper No. 5098
    World Bank
    November 2009

    Rapidly increasing emissions of carbon dioxide from the transport sector, particularly in urban areas, is a major challenge to sustainable development in developing countries. This study analyzes the factors responsible for transport sector CO2 emissions growth in selected developing Asian countries during 1980-2005. The analysis splits the annual emissions growth into components representing economic development; population growth; shifts in transportation modes; and changes in fuel mix, emission coefficients, and transportation energy intensity. The study also reviews existing government policies to limit CO2 emissions growth, particularly various fiscal and regulatory policy instruments. The study finds that of the six factors considered, three - economic development, population growth, and transportation energy intensity - are responsible for driving up transport sector CO2 emissions in Bangladesh, the Philippines, and Vietnam. In contrast, only economic development and population growth are responsible in the case of China, India, Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. CO2 emissions exhibit a downward trend in Mongolia due to decreasing transportation energy intensity. The study also finds that some existing policy instruments help reduce transport sector CO2 emissions, although they were not necessarily targeted for this purpose when introduced.


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    Copa 2014: o que podemos esperar?

    Copa 2014: o que podemos esperar?
    16 de novembro de 2009, 8h45 às 13h

    Grandes especialistas e tomadores de decisão se reuniram para debater os desafios e propostas para fazer da Copa 2014 um sucesso. Os palestrantes concordaram que o legado a ser deixado pelo evento deve ser a principal meta em todas as cidades-sede. Além disso, o Brasil precisará planejar e executar todos os projetos dentro dos prazos."Vamos fazer uma revolução no Rio de Janeiro," prometeu o secretário de Transportes do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Julio Lopes. A infraestrutura é um dos pontos de maior investimento para a realização do maior evento esportivo do mundo.

    Palestrante de Honra
    João Havelange (1916) - Presidente de Honra – FIFA

    A Amcham e o LIDE RIO homenagearam o presidente de honra da Fifa, Dr. João Havelange, por sua importante e decisiva atuação e colaboração para o esporte mundial. Havelange impressionou por sua vitalidade e conhecimento, mostrando com números, o poder de mobilizar pessoas e recursos. "Cerca de 250 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo vivem desta paixão que é o futebol", destacou.

    “Estudo de necessidades das cidades-sede”
    Ralph Lima Terra
    Vice-presidente – Abdib

    Infraestrutura para a Copa 2014 e seu ambiente regulatório
    Arlindo Virgílio Moura
    Pres. da Comissão de Obras Públicas, Privatizações e Concessões – CBIC

    “Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social”
    Rodolfo Torres

    “Planejamento de transporte urbano para a copa de 2014”
    Julio Lopes
    Secretário de Transportes – Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

    “Conseqüências para o turismo no Estado”
    Márcia Lins
    Secretária de Turismo, Esporte e Lazer – Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

    "Projeto Natal 2014"
    Anibal Coutinho

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    Pesquisa de Rodovias 2009

    SEST Servicio Social do Transporte
    SENAT Servicio Nacional de Apredizagem do Transporte

    A Pesquisa CNT de Rodovias 2009 avaliou 100% da malha rodoviária federal pavimentada e os principais trechos sob gestão estadual e sob concessão. A Pesquisa CNT de Rodovias 2009 é o diagnóstico mais atualizado e preciso sobre as condições de trafegabilidade da malha rodoviária do País.

    Confira o mapa abaixo com as principais rodovias do país:

    Mapa Rodoviário do Brasil

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    Maritime Transport and the Climate Change Challenge

    United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
    16–18 February 2009, Geneva
    Multi-Year Expert Meeting on Transport and Trade Facilitation:
    Maritime Transport and the Climate Change Challenge
    December 2009

    To support global efforts and to help "deliver as one" under the United Nations-wide system, the meeting provides a platform for informal discussions on how best to address the climate change challenge from a maritime transport perspective, while bearing in mind issues of interest to developing countries.

    Key issues to be discussed include:

    • Greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping;
    • Implications of climate change for shipping and transport infrastructure: the need for adaptation;
    • Mitigation and adaptation options for ships and ports;
    • The current state of play in terms of the relevant regulatory and institutional framework; and
    • Cross-cutting issues, such as financing and investment, technology and energy security.
    Event site

    Summary of proceedings

    Report of the meeting

    Papers and presentations

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    Efforts to Address Highway Congestion through Real-Time Traffic Information Systems Are Expanding but Face Implementation Challenges

    November 2009

    Growing congestion on our nation’s roads results in wasted time and fuel, which adversely affects the economy and the environment. State and local government agencies and private companies disseminate real-time traffic information to help travelers decide whether to use alternative, less congested routes. Legislation enacted in 2005 required the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) to establish the Real-Time System Management Information Program, in order to provide states the capability to monitor traffic and travel conditions on major highways and share that information. As requested, this GAO report addresses, among other things, (1) how the public and private sectors disseminate real-time traffic information to the public, (2) actions DOT has taken to establish the Real-Time System Management Information Program, and (3) experts’ views on the need for a nationwide real-time traffic information system and its potential characteristics.

    To conduct this study, GAO visited sites in California and Florida, which have well-developed traffic information systems; reviewed and analyzed DOT reports and data; and interviewed transportation officials, experts, and other stakeholders. GAO is not making any recommendations at this time because DOT has not finalized the proposed rule it issued in January 2009, and there was no consensus from the experts GAO interviewed as to whether an increased federal role in this area is appropriate or what this role might be.

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    Thursday, December 10, 2009

    Choosing sustainable power in railways

    The Railway Forum
    April 2008

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    México: cambio en la productividad total de los principales puertos de contenedores

    Alejandro Guerrero C., Investigador, Instituto Mexicano del Transporte
    César Rivera T. Investigador titular, Instituto, Mexicano del Transporte
    Revista CEPAL Nº 99 - 175-187.
    Diciembre 2009

    En la medición del desempeño portuario es común el uso de indicadores parciales de productividad, que se obtienen al relacionar un producto con un insumo. Sin embargo, cuando se desea conocer la productividad global del puerto resulta más útil emplear el concepto de productividad total, que consiste en integrar todos los insumos que intervienen en la obtención de la totalidad de los productos.

    Este factor ha sido medido por el índice de Malmquist, que señala el cambio ocurrido en el factor de productividad total (FPT). En este trabajo se utiliza ese índice para determinar el cambio en el FPT de los puertos de contenedores más importantes de México.

    De acuerdo con los resultados logrados, las ganancias de productividad de las terminales medianas como Progreso y Ensenada fueron mayores que las alcanzadas por puertos concentradores como Veracruz y Altamira, aun cuando la eficiencia en estas terminales es mayor.

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    UNCTAD Division on Technology and Logistics Activity Report 2008

    October 2009

    This report presents an overview of the activities undertaken by the three branches of the Division on Technology and Logistics (DTL) in 2008. It is complemented by stories from beneficiaries in developing countries.

    In 2008, the Division underwent a number of changes, the most important of which was the transfer of the Science and Technology Section from the Division on Investment and Enterprise to DTL. This, among other factors, led to a change in the name of the division from "Services Infrastructure for Development and Trade Efficiency" (SITE) to "Technology and Logistics" (DTL) in order to better reflect the type of work undertaken.

    DTL consists of three branches:

    Science, Technology and ICT Branch;
    Knowledge Sharing, Training and Capacity Development Branch; and
    Trade Logistics Branch, including the ASYCUDA programme.

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    Wednesday, December 9, 2009

    Review of Maritime Transport 2009

    December 2009

    UNCTAD´s Review of Maritime Transport has been published annually since 1968. With more than 80% of international trade in goods being carried by sea, and an even higher percentage for the trade of most developing countries, the Review of Maritime Transport is an important source of information for a broad audience. While the main focus of the Review is on maritime transport, it also contains some information on developments in multimodal transport covering land based transport systems. The Review provides some analysis of structural and cyclical changes affecting trade and transport, especially in developing economies as well as an extensive collection of statistical information on maritime transport and related services, including on:

    Cargo tonnage loaded in world ports

    Developments in the world merchant fleet

    Major events affecting sea transport of bulk and containerised trades

    Indexes and average freight rates for major traffics and routes

    Port developments

    Legal and regulatory developments

    Review of transport developments by geographical region.

    The Review of Maritime Transport 2009 covers developments in maritime and other modes of transport as well as major issues occurring over an eighteen month period from January 2008 until the middle of 2009. It also supplements long-term statistical series with new data.

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    Friday, December 4, 2009

    Explaining high transport costs within Malawi - bad roads or lack of trucking competition?

    Lall, Somik V.; Wang, Hyoung; Munthali, Thomas
    Policy Research working paper No 5133
    World Bank
    November 2009

    What are the main determinants of transport costs: network access or competition among transport providers? The focus in the transport sector has often been on improving the coverage of "hard" infrastructure, whereas in reality the cost of transporting goods is quite sensitive to the extent of competition among transport providers and scale economies in the freight transport industry, creating monopolistic behavior and circular causation between lower transport costs and greater trade and traffic. This paper contributes to the discussion on transport costs in Malawi, providing fresh empirical evidence based on a specially commissioned survey of transport providers and spatial analysis of the country’s infrastructure network. The main finding is that both infrastructure quality and market structure of the trucking industry are important contributors to regional differences in transport costs. The quality of the trunk road network is not a major constraint but differences in the quality of feeder roads connecting villages to the main road network have significant bearing on transport costs. And costs due to poor feeder roads are exacerbated by low volumes of trade between rural locations and market centers. With empty backhauls and journeys covering small distances, only a few transport service providers enter the market, charging disproportionately high prices to cover fixed costs and maximize markups.


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    Brazil - Mato Grosso do Sul State Road Transport Project

    World Bank
    October 2009

    The project development objective is to improve the efficiency of the state road network, including reduction of vehicle operating costs, freight transport losses, and travel times, as well as improved access to markets and services, notably in areas with economic potential. The objective will be achieved through: (i) support to Government in improving efficiency in the design and implementation of its state road rehabilitation and surfacing program; (ii) financing of eligible works under the State road investment program; and (iii) institutional development support to improve Government capacity in identifying, executing and monitoring civil works, at the administrative, engineering and social and environmental levels.

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    Extra: Documento de proyecto

    Peru - Safe and Sustainable Transport SWAp: Indigenous peoples plan

    Author: Eduardo Bedoya Garland
    World Bank
    November 2009

    (Vol. 1 of 3) : Plan de la comunidad campesina Nagazu
    (Vol. 2 of 3) : Plan de compensacion y reasentamiento involuntario - PACRI
    (Vol. 3 of 3) : Plan de la comunidad campesina San Juan de Ocros

    Thursday, December 3, 2009

    Argentina - Status of projects in execution (SOPE) - FY09 : Latin America and the Caribbean region

    World Bank
    October 2009

    Proyectos con componentes de Transporte:
    • AR APL2 Buenos Aires Infrastructure (P105288) p.3
    • AR Basic Municipal Services Project (P060484) p.6
    • AR (APL2)Urban Flood Prev.&Drainage (P093491) p.8
    • AR-Cordoba-Road Infrastructure (P099585) p.9
    • AR 2nd Prov Agric Dev (P106684) p.12
    • AR SMALL FARMER DV. (P006041) p.21
    • AR APL2 National Highway Asset Mgt (P095569) p.28
    • AR-GEF Sustain. Transp. and Air Quality (P114008) p.32
    • AR-Provincial Road Infrastructure Project (P070628) p.37
    • AR National Highway Asset Management (P088153) p.48
    • AR(CRL1)Buenos Aires Infrastr SIDP(1APL) (P088032) p.56
    • AR- SANTA FE ROAD Infrastructure (P099051) p.60

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    Infraestructuras inteligentes: las autopistas del futuro

    Real Academia de Ingeniería
    November 2009

    En esta Sesión de la RAI se presento un nuevo y ambicioso proyecto de I+D+i (CENIT) que investiga la configuración de la autopista del futuro –que deberá ser inteligente, segura y sostenible-, algunos casos prácticos de implantación de nuevas tecnologías así como de otros desarrollos tecnológicos en marcha.

    Díptico de presentación

    Proyecto Oasis: Operación de autopistas seguras, inteligentes y sostenibles
    Federico García-Linares Fontes
    Responsable de I+D de OHL Concesiones y Coordinador del Proyecto Oasis

    Sistemas avanzados de peaje free-flow: Aplicación práctica en el viaducto bicentenario de México D.F.
    Alonso Bautista Trovo
    Director de Sistemas de Peaje de INDRA

    GNSS y el pago por el uso de infraestructuras
    Sara Gutierrez Lanza
    Coordinadora de la División de Ingeniería y Aplicaciones de Navegación de GMV. Directora del Proyecto GINA (GNSS for Innovative road Applications)

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    Tuesday, December 1, 2009

    Cadernos do programa Brasil Acessível

    Ministério das Cidades - Mobilidade

    Dentre as várias ações e instrumentos previstos no Programa Brasil Acessível, está a Publicação de cadernos de conteúdos temáticos específicos. No momento destacamos os seguintes cadernos:

    Destinado aos gestores e operadores públicos ou privados dos sistemas de transporte coletivo. Conceitua as deficiências e traz orientações sobre o atendimento adequado. É instrumento de capacitação de condutores do transporte coletivo, cobradores, taxistas e do transporte escolar.

    Destinado aos profissionais da área de elaboração de projetos urbanísticos, mobiliário urbano e implementação de projetos e obras nos espaços públicos, bem como nos edifícios de uso coletivos, públicos ou privados. Enfoque nas áreas públicas de circulação e às necessidades dos pedestres com ênfase nas pessoas com deficiência e idosos. Apresenta, através de exemplos, como não construir novas barreiras nos espaços urbanos e sugestões de projetos e intervenções corretas, em conformidade ao decreto 5.296/04 e à Norma NBR 9050:2004.

    Traz orientações para implementação do Decreto nº 5.296/04, que regulamenta as Leis no 10.048/00 e a de no 10.098/00, que estabelecem normas gerais e critérios básicos para a promoção da acessibilidade das pessoas com deficiência ou com mobilidade reduzida. Enfoque na mobilidade urbana, construção dos espaços e nos edifícios de uso público e legislação urbanística.

    Orienta a elaboração de uma Política Municipal de acessibilidade de forma permanente. Traz informações para a Implementação de um órgão ou uma coordenação municipal para o desenvolvimento de normas, instrumentos e ações integradas do poder público e também com a iniciativa privada para o atendimento às pessoas com deficiência. Apresenta procedimentos para a implantação e a fiscalização de projetos, obras e soluções para o acesso e o atendimento das pessoas com deficiência, idosos ou pessoas com mobilidade reduzida.

    Voltado aos gestores municipais, com orientação de programas e obras visando a implantação de Sistemas de Transporte Acessível, incluindo a infra-estrutura urbana, combinação de todos os modos de transporte coletivo, os respectivos equipamentos de apoio ao usuário, em especial as pessoas com deficiência ou com mobilidade reduzida, bem como os procedimentos operacionais adequados.

    Voltado aos gestores municipais, tem como objetivo o registro de práticas inovadoras ou consagradas já em desenvolvimento nas administrações municipais, visando a construção de uma cidade acessível, considerando os espaços públicos e os serviços de Transporte Coletivo.

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