Friday, October 28, 2011

Performance-based Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance Contracts (CREMA) in Argentina: A review of fifteen years of experience (1996-2010)

Maria Marcela Silva and Gerard Liautaud
World Bank
Transport Papers - 36
September 2011

Photo from the publication

1. The National Road Network of Argentina
2. Origins and Definition of the CREMA contracts
3. Evolution in the Procurement and the Design Standards of the CREMA
4. The Market’s Response to the CREMA System
5. Impact of the CREMA on the Condition of the National Road Network
6. Cost Effectiveness of the CREMA System
7. Bank's Strategy and Role in the Road Sector in Argentina
8. Lessons Learned

ANNEX 1: Penalties for Non-Compliance with Mandated Requirements CREMA Contracts (2009)
ANNEX 2: Cost Structure of the CREMA
ANNEX 3: CREMA in the Provinces of Argentina
ANNEX 4: Typical Examples of Contractual Requirements and Specifications for a Homogeneous Road Section
ANNEX 5: Summary Findings of Technical Audits Carried out Between 2009 and 2009
ANNEX 6: Photos of CREMA Works, 2007 - 2008
APPENDIX 1: Terms of Reference - Technical Audits for CREMA contracts in Argentina

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Bus rapid transit systems and beyond: Exploring the limits of a popular and rapidly growing urban transport system

David Sorg
Master Thesis - MSc in Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems
ETH - Zurich
July 2011

Image from the publication

In the last decade, the world has seen a massive growth in the number of bus rapid transit systems (BRT). This growth was sparked off by the successful implementation of the first BRT system in Curitiba (Brazil) in the 1970s. BRT aims at providing cost-effective urban transport at a high quality of service, and it doubtlessly is a step ahead in the quest for affordable and improved urban public transport. However, rail-based systems are still a valid alternative for situations in which the limits of BRT systems are reached. Therefore, a main objective of this master thesis is to explore the limitations of BRT systems in urban areas. For this purpose, this work analyses the performance of different BRT systems regarding quality of service, capacity, and cost-efficiency. Threshold levels in passenger demand for choosing between modes are identified by means of a parametric cost model. Findings indicate that BRT has cost and quality advantages over conventional bus and light rail transit (LRT) operation at demand levels between ca. 250 and 2000 spaces per hour per direction. BRT proves to be especially favourable compared to LRT in situations where labour costs are low, where a high commercial speed can be achieved, where frequent services are desired, and where high vehicle load factors are tolerated. Empirical data show that in comparison to conventional bus systems, BRT offers particular quality advantages regarding capacity, accessibility, comfort, safety, and image.

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Muenster, Germany: An example of promoting cycling in cities - Components of a high quality bicycle infrastructure. A short survey

Case studies in sustainable urban transport #2
March 2011

GIZ SUTP released its next document in the case study series. The document is titled "An Example of Promoting Cycling in Cities – Components of a High Quality Bicycle Infrastructure". This study introduces Muenster’s initiatives to promote cycling and outlines specifications and essentials of its bicycle infrastructure. It provides a case study and orientation for transport planners and policy makers who want to develop similar bicycle-based sustainable urban transport systems in their cities. The document is 22 pages long, full colour pictures.

Logged-in SUTP users can download the document directly here (5MB). Unregistered users will need to register here first and proceed to login and then download the document.

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

White paper on transport

Roadmap to a single european transport area — Towards a competitive and Resource-efficient transport system
European Comission
March 2011

This illustrated brochure comprises the text of the european commission’s White Paper ‘roadmap to a single european transport area — towards a competitive and resource-efficient transport system’ (com (2011) 144 final of 28 march 2011) and a foreword by vice-president Siim Kallas, commissioner for transport. 

The European Commission adopted a roadmap of 40 concrete initiatives for the next decade to build a competitive transport system that will increase mobility, remove major barriers in key areas and fuel growth and employment. At the same time, the proposals will dramatically reduce Europe's dependence on imported oil and cut carbon emissions in transport by 60% by 2050 .

By 2050, key goals will include:
  • No more conventionally-fuelled cars in cities. 
  • 40% use of sustainable low carbon fuels in aviation; at least 40% cut in shipping emissions. 
  • A 50% shift of medium distance intercity passenger and freight journeys from road to rail and waterborne transport. 
  • All of which will contribute to a 60% cut in transport emissions by the middle of the century.
Bajar brochure

Versión en castellano

Versión en inglés

Watch the video on the White Paper, check out the 50 Facts and Figures on Transport

Cities for mobility

Cities for mobility
October 2011

The second edition of the Cities for Mobility eMagazine in 2011 is published. Among other interesting topics, this edition of the e-Magazine provides information on the fifth Cities for Mobility World Congress, which took place in Stuttgart in July 2011.

  • Bus rapid transit systems and beyond: Exploring the limits of a popular and rapidly growing urban transport system
  • Bicycle City Berhampur
  • The ‘Field of Dreams’ Mentality: Why it takes more than good infrastructure to change our travel behaviour

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Mexico City’s Newest BRT Line goes from Historic Center to the Airport

Octubre 20 2011

La ciudad de México está desarrollando la línea 4 de BRT. El recorrido irá del centro histórico al aeropuerto y estará interconectado con los otros sistemas de Transporte como el metro, tren suburbano y otras líneas de Metrobus y rutas de microbuses. El tiempo de viaje de los pasajeros será reducido de una hora y media a cincuenta minutos.

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Estrategias para el desarrollo Portuario y Urbano de Buenos Aires

Ing. Jorge E. Abramian
Cámara Argentina de la Construcción
Octubre 2010

Desde hace algunos años existen opiniones encontradas sobre la capacidad del puerto para seguir respondiendo a la demanda de servicios y sobre la necesidad de relocalizar las actividades portuarias. Este informe brinda datos para permitir la evaluación de los conflictos generados en el uso de los espacios costeros y el tránsito, estima las necesidades futuras del comercio exterior, incluye consideraciones sobre la expansión del sistema portuario con la perspectiva del crecimiento de los movimientos de cargas en el Río de la Plata y analiza las posibilidades de compatibilización de usos en la franja costera. En suma, trata de responder a las siguientes preguntas: ¿Qué dimensión tienen los conflictos Puerto-Ciudad?¿es conveniente y/o posible la relocalización del Puerto Buenos Aires? ¿De qué manera y hasta qué punto se pueden compatibilizar las actividades portuarias con el desarrollo de la Ciudad?

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Friday, October 14, 2011

Special Issue: Latin-American Transport Research

Networks and spatial economics
Special Issue: Latin-American Transport Research
Volume 11, Number 3 / September 2011
Guest Editors: Víctor Cantillo and José Holguín-Veras

Preface Special Issue on Latin-American Transport Research
Víctor Cantillo and José Holguín-Veras

On the Treatment of Repeated Observations in Panel Data: Efficiency of Mixed Logit Parameter Estimates María Francisca Yáñez, Elisabetta Cherchi, Benjamin G. Heydecker and Juan de Dios Ortúzar

Econometric Effects of Utility Order-Preserving Transformations in Discrete Choice Models
Francisco Javier Amador and Elisabetta Cherchi

A Hierarchical Gravity Model with Spatial Correlation: Mathematical Formulation and Parameter Estimation Louis de Grange, Angel Ibeas and Felipe González

Special Issue on Latin-American Research: A Time Based Discretization Approach for Ship Routing and Scheduling with Variable Speed
Ricardo A. Gatica and Pablo A. Miranda

New Models for Commercial Territory Design
María Angélica Salazar-Aguilar, Roger Z. Ríos-Mercado and Mauricio Cabrera-Ríos

An Experimental Economics Investigation of Shipper-carrier Interactions in the Choice of Mode and Shipment Size in Freight Transport
Jose Holguín-Veras, Ning Xu, Gerard de Jong and Hedi Maurer

 Lumpy Investment in Regulated Natural Gas Pipelines: An Application of the Theory of the Second Best Dagobert L. Brito and Juan Rosellón

 “Special Issue on Latin-American Research” Maritime Networks, Services Structure and Maritime Trade Laura Márquez-Ramos, Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso, Eva Pérez-García and Gordon Wilmsmeier

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

World Bank gender transport surveys: An overview

Julie Babinard
Transport Notes Series
September 2011

Between 2008 and 2010 the transport sector initiated several country surveys to measure road transport needs and the constraints of both men and women, and more specifically how transport is facilitating or constraining access to resources, markets, and employment. These surveys were conducted as part of a lending operation or Economic Sector Work (ESW) with financial support from the Gender Action Plan (GAP), which seeks to advance women’s economic empowerment and accelerate the implementation of the Millennium Development Goal 3 (MDG3—promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment).

A report that reviews the methodology used for each country GAP-funded survey, the design and content of the questionnaires and the likely effect on the analysis shows that women tend to have access to a wider range of social and economic opportunities when transportation is available, safe and secure.

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