Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Transport, trade and climate change: Carbon footprints, fuel subsidies and market-based measures

Joachim Monkelbaan
International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development - BMZ
Working paper
November 2011

International transport, be it by ship, airplane, train or truck, is essential for international trade and to global economic development. However, transport is at the same time the fastest growing source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

The objective of this paper is to examine the viability and potential effects of different actions that Germany and the European Union (EU) can take to curb the growth of GHG emissions from the international transport sector. It analyzes different options that policy makers have available to reduce transport induced emissions. In doing so, this paper takes the impacts on trade, especially for developing countries, into account. The overarching question that is reverberates throughout this paper is: what are the advantages and disadvantages of different measures that Germany and the EU can take to limit emissions from trade-related transport?

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Plus: Annex I: Carbon footprint of some chilean exports

Friday, December 16, 2011

Intelligent governance of large urban systems

Vol 13 Nº 3
Networks industries quarterly
September 2011

For the first time in history, a majority of mankind are living in cities. While the continuous flow of technological innovations goes a long way in solving some of the pressing issues brought by this massive urbanization, the “software” required to adequately address this radical transformation - the institutional framework - often lags behind. Fortunately, as this edition of NIQ shows, multiple initiatives including an active involvement of the citizens have been undertaken to tackle some of the challenges.

- Cognitive cities and intelligent urban governance
- New challenges in the evaluation of Smart Cities
- Intelligent governance of large urban systems: What is at stake regarding transport issues?
- Comparative performance assessment of Smart Cities around the North Sea basin
- SCRAN: Assembling a community of practice for standardizing the transformation of eGovernment services
- Supporting sustainability through smart infrastructures: the case of Amsterdam
- Innovative ICT solutions for monitoring and facilitating international trade

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

St Gotthard: The world's longest railway tunnel - Promoting the transfer of freight traffic from road to rail

Florence Pictet

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French version: St Gothard : le plus long tunnel ferroviaire du monde pour encourager le transfert du fret de la route au rail

Emerging problems, potential answers offered by logistical platforms

A logistic platform is a transshipment area where, ideally, at least two transport modes are connected. The concentration of transport-related companies inside a logistic platform promotes synergy and overall efficiency. However, this needs an integration process that is planned and enforced in cooperation with all the companies and involved local authorities.

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Plates-formes logistiques : problèmes nouveaux et solutions possibles

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Traumatismos causados por el tránsito en el Perú: ¿Dónde estamos y hacia dónde vamos? - Número especial Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública

Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Publica
vol.27 no.2
Lima junio 2010

El reconocimiento de los traumatismos causados por el tránsito como un problema de salud pública viene tomando fuerza en los últimos años (1,2). La Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública no es ajena a este progreso y dedica este número especial de la Revista a dicho tema. Incluso la terminología utilizada comúnmente, “accidentes de tránsito”, es una barrera para lograr comprender las distintas aristas de este problema. En contraste, el término “traumatismos causados por el tránsito” fue ampliamente adoptado en el Informe mundial sobre prevención de los traumatismos causados por el tránsito, elaborado por la Organización Mundial de la Salud en el año 2004 (1). El uso, para algunos inadecuado, del término accidentes de tránsito, limita la comprensión de lo mucho que se puede hacer para prevenir estos eventos. Dado el uso cotidiano del término “accidentes de tránsito” en nuestro medio, y a fin de generar familiaridad y contribuir en el uso adecuado del término “traumatismos causados por el tránsito”, en este artículo se usará, en la medida de lo posible, este último. Este editorial no intenta reflejar una revisión de lo publicado sobre el tema en nuestro medio; en cierta medida este número especial, a través de sus distintas contribuciones, reflejará la evidencia disponible sobre el tema en el país.


Traumatismos causados por el tránsito en el Perú: ¿Dónde estamos y hacia dónde vamos?
Miranda, J. Jaime; Huicho, Luis

Artículos de Investigación

Perfil epidemiológico de los accidentes de tránsito en el Perú, 2005-2009
Choquehuanca-Vilca, Víctor; Cárdenas-García, Fresia; Collazos-Carhuay, Joel; Mendoza-Valladolid, Willington

Autorreporte de accidentes de tránsito en una encuesta nacional en la población urbana de Perú
Wong, Paolo; Gutiérrez, César; Romaní, franco

Cobertura real de la Ley de Atención de Emergencia y del Seguro Obligatorio contra Accidentes de Tránsito (SOAT)
Miranda, J. Jaime; Rosales-Mayor, Edmundo; Gianella, Camila; Paca-Palao, Ada; Luna, Diego; Lopez, Luis; Huicho, Luis; Equipo PIAT

Cansancio y somnolencia en conductores de ómnibus interprovinciales: estudio comparativo entre formalidad e informalidad
Liendo, Gustavo R.; Castro, Carla L.; Rey de Castro, Jorge


Medidas y estrategias para la prevención y control de los accidentes de tránsito: experiencia peruana por niveles de prevención
Málaga, Hernán

Cansancio y somnolencia durante el desempeño laboral de los conductores interprovinciales: experiencia peruana y planteamiento de propuestas
Rey de Castro, Jorge; Rosales-Mayor, Edmundo


Traumatismos causados por el tránsito en países en desarrollo: agenda de investigación y de acción
Min Huang, Cheng; Lunnen, Jeffrey C.; Miranda, J. Jaime; Hyder, Adnan A.

Reduciendo el trauma y la mortalidad asociada a los accidentes de tránsito en los peatones en el Perú: intervenciones que pueden funcionar
Quistberg, D. Alex; Miranda, J. Jaime; Ebel, Beth

Supervisando la seguridad vial en el Perú
Sagástegui, Freddy

Monitoreo del sueño en conductores de ómnibus y camiones: factor relevante a considerar para la renovación de la licencia de conducir
Rey de Castro, Jorge; Rosales-Mayor, Edmundo

Aspectos psicosociales y accidentes en el transporte terrestre
Morales-Soto, Nelson; Alfaro-Basso, Daniel; Gálvez-Rivero, Wilfredo

Sección Especial

Evaluación situacional, estructura, dinámica y monitoreo de los sistemas de información en accidentes de tránsito en el Perú - 2009
Miranda, J. Jaime; Paca-Palao, Ada; Najarro, Lizzete; Rosales-Mayor, Edmundo; Luna, Diego; Lopez, Luis; Huicho, Luis; Equipo PIAT

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Distributional effects of the Panama Canal expansion

Author: Bussolo, Maurizio; De Hoyos, Rafael E.; Medvedev, Denis
Policy Research working paper no. WPS 5848
World Bank
October 2011

This paper uses a dynamic macro-micro framework to evaluate the potential distributional effects of the expansion of the Panama Canal. The results show that large macroeconomic effects are only likely during the operations phase (2014 and onward), and income gains are likely to be concentrated at the top of the income distribution. The additional foreign exchange inflows during the construction and operations phases result in the loss of competitiveness of non-Canal sectors (Dutch disease) and in higher domestic prices, which hurt the poorest consumers. In addition, the construction and operation activities increase demand for more educated non-farm formal workers. Although these changes encourage additional labor movement out of agriculture and from the informal to the formal sector, much of the impact is manifested in growing wage disparities and widening income inequality. Using the additional revenues of the Canal expansion in a targeted cash transfer program such as "Red de Oportunidades", the Government of Panama could offset the adverse distributional effects and eradicate extreme poverty.

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Informe de la Reunión de Expertos sobre la situación actual y perspectivas de la integración centroamericana

Unidad de Comercio Internacional e Industria
Noviembre 2011

A lo largo de su historia, la Sede Subregional de la CEPAL en México ha trabajado en el tema de la integración centroamericana, haciendo estudios sobre este proceso; ha ofrecido asistencia técnica y ha facilitado la comunicación y coordinación entre los distintos actores involucrados en el tema de la integración centroamericana.

La Reunión de Expertos sobre la situación actual y perspectivas de la integración centroamericana tiene el propósito de dar seguimiento a los avances en este proceso; a la luz, sobre todo, de los compromisos asumidos por los presidentes centroamericanos en su reunión extraordinaria en San Salvador en julio de 2010.

La declaración conjunta y el plan de trabajo aprobados por los presidentes de cada uno de los países de Centroamérica representan un avance importante en el ámbito de la integración centroamericana. La declaración le dio un sentido estratégico a la integración al centrarla en cuatro temas fundamentales: la seguridad, el cambio climático y la prevención de desastres, la integración económica y la integración social. También atendió a la necesidad de fortalecer la institucionalidad que debe dar seguimiento y asegurar una visión regional a este proceso de mayor interdependencia en distintos ámbitos.

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Effect on road traffic injuries of criminalizing road traffic offences: a time–series study

Ana M Novoa, Katherine Pérez, Elena Santamariña-Rubio & Carme Borrell
Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2011;89:422-431
March 2011

Objectives. We assessed the effectiveness of the penalty points system (PPS) introduced in Spain in July 2006 in reducing traffic injuries.

Methods. We performed an evaluation study with an interrupted time–series design. We stratified dependent variables—numbers of drivers involved in injury collisions and people injured in traffic collisions in Spain from 2000 to 2007 (police data)—by age, injury severity, type of road user, road type, and time of collision, and analyzed variables separately by gender. The explanatory variable (the PPS) compared the postintervention period (July 2006 to December 2007) with the preintervention period (January 2000 to June 2006). We used quasi-Poisson regression, controlling for time trend and seasonality.

Results. Among men, we observed a significant risk reduction in the postintervention period for seriously injured drivers (relative risk [RR] = 0.89) and seriously injured people (RR = 0.89). The RRs among women were 0.91 (P = .095) and 0.88 (P < .05), respectively. Risk reduction was greater among male drivers, moped riders, and on urban roads. Conclusions. The PPS was associated with reduced numbers of drivers involved in injury collisions and people injured by traffic collisions in Spain.

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Greenhouse gas issues in the North American trucking industry

Philippe Barla
From the issue entitled "Special Issue: Transport, energy and greenhouse gases: perspectives on demand limitation"
Guest Editors: Charles Raux & Martin E.H. Lee-Gosselin
Energy Efficiency, Volume 3, Number 2

In this paper, we examine some the issues associated with reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the North American trucking industry. We review some basic descriptive statistics to apprehend the basic conditions in the three countries of North America and describe the North American trucking industry and the changes in its GHG performance. We also present some of the policies that have been either implemented or are being considered to reduce trucking GHG emissions. We then discuss some of the issues involved in choosing instruments to reduce trucking emissions. Specifically, we discuss the following instruments: incentives and standard to improve truck fuel efficiency, a tax on CO2, and tradable permits systems.

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Oil prices and maritime freight rates: An empirical investigation

April 2010

Oil is the major energy source powering the global economy, supplying 95% of all the energy used in world transport.

Maritime transport, which carries over 80% of the volume of global merchandise trade, relies heavily on oil for propulsion, and in view of the limitations imposed by existing technology and costs, it is not yet in a position to adopt effective energy substitutes.

With oil becoming increasingly scarce and more costly to produce, and with prices having already risen to close to $150 per barrel (pb) in July 2008, the question of how changes in oil prices affect shipping costs is of considerable interest.

For the trade of many developing countries, excessive international transport costs already pose a considerable obstacle.

To help improve understanding of oil prices as a determinant of transport costs, UNCTAD conducted an empirical analysis of the relationship between oil prices and maritime freight rates. While the analysis focused on container transport, it also covered some dry and wet bulk trades, namely, iron ore and crude oil.

The findings of the analysis, presented in a technical report entitled Oil Prices and Maritime Freight Rates: An Empirical Investigation, confirm that rising oil prices drive up maritime freight rates in all three trades examined, with estimated elasticities varying, depending on the market segment and the specification.

For container trade, the effect of oil prices on container freight rates is estimated to be larger in periods of sharply rising and more volatile oil prices, compared to periods of low and stable oil prices.

These results entail some potentially important implications for maritime transport and trade, if oil prices resume the spiralling trend observed in 2007 and 2008 and sustain high and possibly unprecedented levels.

In view of the heavy reliance of maritime transport on oil for propulsion, further analytical work on the effect of energy prices on maritime freight rates is urgently required, especially as rising fuel costs may lead to proportionately higher maritime transport costs for developing countries.

In this context, energy security and investments in alternative, greener energy and technology for cost-efficient and sustainable maritime transportation conducive to trade and development are of the essence.

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Greenhouse gas emissions from aviation and marine transportation: Migration potential and policies

David McCollum
Gregory Gould
David Greene
The Pew Center on Global Climate Change
December 2009

Combined, aviation and marine transportation are responsible for approximately 5 percent of total greenhouse (GHG) emissions in the United States and 3 percent globally and are among the fastest growing modes in the transportation sector. Controlling the growth in these emissions will be an important part of reducing emissions from the transportation sector. A range of near-, medium- and long-term mitigation options are available to slow the growth of energy consumption and GHG emissions from aviation and marine shipping. Implementation of these options could result in reductions of more than 50 percent below BAU levels by 2050 from global aviation and more than 60 percent for global marine shipping. For these reductions to be realized, however, international and domestic policy intervention is required. Developing an effective path forward that facilitates the adoption of meaningful policies remains both a challenge and an opportunity.

“Aviation and Marine Transportation: GHG Mitigation Potential and Challenges” presents an introduction to aviation and marine transportation and a discussion of the determinants of GHG emissions from transportation; gives overview of current emissions and trends and growth projections; explains the technological mitigation options and potential GHG emission reductions; and discusses policy options at both the domestic and international level to achieve deep and durable reductions in emissions.

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Utilizing Information Technology in Innovative Marketing Approaches for Public Transportation

William P. Morris, Kelly Robertson, Jeremy Spinks
National Center for Transportation Research
Center for Urban Transportation Research
University of South Florida
February 2010

The original objective of this study is to scan the internet and other information technology sources to identify innovative marketing techniques that have been attempted to date by, in and surrounding the public transportation industry, and to solicit ideas for more unconventional applications that transit agencies and TDM professionals can consider. The investigation led to the uses, applications, marketing and communications potential of social media for the public transportation and Transportation Demand Management industries. Social media afford low cost, high impact techniques that can be easily and quickly employed to reach target markets and audiences. The study also provides tools, in the form of a guidebook and dedicated website, for transit agencies to use the various social media for their own tailored marketing approaches. Social media tools addressed in the study include social networks, weblogs, audio/video blogs, microblogs, photo and video sharing, and user-generated content. In each, specific examples of applications for the public transit and Transportation Demand Management industries is examined and explained. The guidebook provides clear instructions for how agencies can utilize the media and the projected benefits, and is complete with embedded links to resources and information. There is also a dedicated website, that accompanies the guidebook and provides an overview of each media and links to industry applications.

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Understanding how ecodriving public education can result in reduced fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions

E. Martin, N. D. Chan, and S. A. Shaheen.
Innovative mobility
Submitted to TRB Annual Meeting 2012
November 2011

Ecodriving, the concept of changing driving behavior and vehicle maintenance to impact fuel consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in existing vehicles, has gained recent prominence in North America. One ecodriving strategy involves public education through Internet-based information dissemination. This paper presents the results of a controlled stated-response study conducted with approximately 100 University of California, Berkeley faculty, staff, and students, assessing the effectiveness of static ecodriving web-based information. A comparison of the experimental and control groups found that exposure to ecodriving information influenced people's driving behavior and maintenance practices. The experimental group's distributional shift was statistically significant, particularly for key practices including: lower highway cruising speed, driving behavior adjustment, and proper tire inflation. Within the experimental group (N = 51), fewer respondents significantly changed their maintenance practices (16%) than the majority that altered some driving practices (71%); this suggests intentional altering of driving behavior is easier than planning better maintenance practices. A comparison of before- and after-surveys found that 57% of the experimental group improved their ecodriving behavior, while 43% made no change or worsened. Key characteristics of the drivers that improved include: being female, living in smaller households, and owning a newer car with higher fuel economy. While it was evident that not everyone modifies their behavior as a result of reviewing the website, even small shifts in behavior due to inexpensive information dissemination could be deemed cost effective in reducing fuel consumption and emissions.

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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Plan Quinquenal de Transporte Argentino 2012-2016

Secretaria de Transporte

La Secretaría de Transporte del Ministerio de Planificación Federal, Inversión Pública y Servicios de la Nación presenta estas "Bases para un Plan Quinquenal del Transporte 2012-2016" a los Sectores del Trabajo, Empresarial, Profesional y Gubernamental, como documento Institucional para el análisis, debate y posterior síntesis.

Los invitamos a dejar en esta página sus comentarios y perspectivas para la construcción de un plan estratégico para el sector. Los aportes pueden ser tanto técnicos, como experiencias laborales y de la vida cotidiana".

También se pueden enviar contribuciones a PLANDETRANSPORTE@GMAIL.COM

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