Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Handbook of best practices at border crossings: A trade and transport facilitation perspective

OSCE - Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe and UNECE
February 2012

A practical guide for government agencies and private sector bodies which operate border crossing points. Published by the OSCE and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.

Table of contents:

1. Trade and Customs: The International Legal Framework
2. From Domestic to International Co-operation
3. Balancing Security with Trade and Transport Facilitation and Developing Partnerships with Private Industry
4. Processing of Freight: Policies for Control, Clearance and Transit
5. Risk Management and Selectivity
6. Options for the Design of Border Crossing Points
7. Information and Communications Technology and Non-Intrusive Inspection
Photo: OSCE

8. Human Resource Management
9. Measuring Border Agency Performance: Possibilities for Benchmarking
ANNEX 1: Border definitions
ANNEX 2: International organizations
Photo Credits
Abbreviations and Acronyms

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