Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Gender and transport

Chantal Duchene
International Transport Forum
Discussion Paper Nº 2011 - 11
April 2011

This document was produced as background for the 2011 International Transport Forum, on 25-27 May in Leipzig, Germany, on Transport for Society.

While greater account is increasingly being taken of gender in a variety of areas, little progress has been made in this respect in the transport sector. In both developed and developing countries, our societies are gendered in that women and men play different roles, notably because household chores and children are mainly the preserve of women, which reduces the time they have available for activities for which they are responsible and for the trips they need to make in order to perform these activities.

Development, employment and even health policies must take account of the issue of travel. And to do this successfully, it is essential to seek ways in which to incorporate the issue of gender into policies relating to mobility and transport.

At present, it is no longer women’s non-governmental organisations that stress this point, but the community as a whole. It is for this reasons that this theme is now being examined in greater depth by the International Transport Forum which commissioned this report.

The report begins with an overview of the situation, and then presents good practices and a set of recommendations. It addresses both developed and developing countries, urban and rural areas, and infrastructure and services.

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