Friday, October 28, 2011

Performance-based Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance Contracts (CREMA) in Argentina: A review of fifteen years of experience (1996-2010)

Maria Marcela Silva and Gerard Liautaud
World Bank
Transport Papers - 36
September 2011

Photo from the publication

1. The National Road Network of Argentina
2. Origins and Definition of the CREMA contracts
3. Evolution in the Procurement and the Design Standards of the CREMA
4. The Market’s Response to the CREMA System
5. Impact of the CREMA on the Condition of the National Road Network
6. Cost Effectiveness of the CREMA System
7. Bank's Strategy and Role in the Road Sector in Argentina
8. Lessons Learned

ANNEX 1: Penalties for Non-Compliance with Mandated Requirements CREMA Contracts (2009)
ANNEX 2: Cost Structure of the CREMA
ANNEX 3: CREMA in the Provinces of Argentina
ANNEX 4: Typical Examples of Contractual Requirements and Specifications for a Homogeneous Road Section
ANNEX 5: Summary Findings of Technical Audits Carried out Between 2009 and 2009
ANNEX 6: Photos of CREMA Works, 2007 - 2008
APPENDIX 1: Terms of Reference - Technical Audits for CREMA contracts in Argentina

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