Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mexico - Urban Transport Transformation Project : environmental assessment

World Bank
June 2009

The objective of the Urban Transport Transformation Project (UTTP) is to contribute to the transformation of urban transport in Mexican cities to a lower carbon growth path by improving the quality and sustainability of urban public transport systems and services. This will significantly reduce the transport sector carbon footprint and related air toxics. Negative measures include: management of materials and waste; restriction of traffic flows and access to homes and businesses; increased noise and emission of pollutants; management of work camp sites; and interference with urban infrastructure (phone lines, piping, electricity wires, and sewage). Mitigation measures include: the UTTP is expected to have positive environmental impacts in the long-run, since it aims at improving the quality of public transport and non-motorized transport systems and improve traffic flow and safety. The program is designed to have a positive long-term impact due to the reduction of global and local emissions, as CO2, NOx, SOx, particulate matter, and other contaminants currently present. The reduction will be directly linked to improved vehicle operation, reduced trip lengths, use of more efficient modes of transport, and improved technologies.

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