Friday, July 15, 2011

Managing Multinational Infrastructure: An analysis of EU Institutional Structures and Best Practices

By Willem van der Geest and Jorge Nunez-Ferrer
Asian Development Bank Institute
Working Paper No: 296
15 July 2011

Creating the framework for cross-border infrastructure cooperation often requires the active role of a third party, an "honest broker", to forge convergence of interests. In this paper, the authors take issue with the myth that transnational cross-border infrastructure cooperation is the result of supra-national decision-making at the EU level. Another myth this paper addresses is that the management of trans-national and cross-border infrastructure is primarily supra-national. Although additional co-financing may be sought from the European Community budget and/or the European Investment Bank, these resources always complement national budgetary allocations and private funding.

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1 comment:

Antonio Alves Costa said...

I find it very interesting this artíuclo and I agree the need for mechanisms of legal certainty for companies and conceciones infraestratucturas to participate in projects similar to the European Union, to help developing countries odernizar am known as the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China)